After that rather heavy breakfast, I suggested we head to Gilbert Gardens for a stroll around the lake to burn off the calories and the effects of such a serious conversation. He told me a few stories from his childhood and how he and Mama met, which was a story I had actually never heard before. They were at a bar, and she turned around and told him he was beautiful and asked him out at the end of the night. It wasn’t hard to imagine her being so brazen, but I only knew the more matured and careful version of Emerald Kierra Pope. Heh, I still couldn’t believe Dwayne called her “Kiki.” That sounded like a completely different sim, but I suppose she was a different sim then. While I enjoyed hearing happier stories of my parents’ youth, I found it odd he would tell so many about him and her. Did he miss her? She must have gotten to him. I hadn’t forgotten about them acting weird lately. Maybe what they say about the things we remember at the end of our lives is true. No one on their deathbed lamented about not making enough money or buying a bigger house. No one remembered the petty arguments and dumb stuff we did. It was the good times and people we loved, and he still loved her.

It was quite hot that afternoon, and Dad got tired and wanted to go back home, but I wasn’t done with him yet. I needed more time and suggested we go check on Less and the babies, and he agreed. When we arrived, two of the three babies were hungry and screaming. Less already had Arvin, so I took care of Breanna. Dad stood quietly behind us, admiring how well we took care of them…or something. As soon as Arvin was satisfied, Lex woke up and demanded a meal too. Like every other visit, at some point, Dad left to take out trash and do whatever else he could find to help out. The fear of holding newborns must have been pretty strong. If I were staring death in the face, I’d like to think I’d suck it up and hold my long-awaited grandchildren. But to each his own.

Once all the babies were happy and asleep, we retreated downstairs to hang. Mama came in from the pool and was surprised to see us all together in the living room.
“Two days in a row? I should have given you my final wishes sooner!”

“Ha ha,” I said flatly.
“You could have just left instructions like normal sims,” Dad said.
Mama’s head jerked back so far, I thought it would fly off and sock Less in the face. I could count on one hand how many times I saw my parents fight, but each time was dangerously entertaining.
“Did you leave instructions, smartie?” She paused a few seconds for dramatic effect. “I didn’t think so!”

He shook his head at her. I could imagine their marriage being full of that, had it continued.
“While we’re on the subject,” he said, “if you don’t mind, there’s something I want to discuss with my children.”
“Okay. I’ll go. But don’t be in here traumatizing my babies.”
“You’ve already done that, Mama,” I said. “Thanks for that.”
“Why, I never! I know where I’m not wanted. I’m going back to the pool!”

He watched her leave, but still didn’t say what he wanted to say. Maybe discussing their deaths was just as awkward for them as it was for us to hear about it, even though they spoke so casually about it.
“So…what is it, Dad?” I asked.
“Despite what she thinks, I do have instructions,” he said. “But there is one matter left to finalize, and I could use your help.”
“Uhhh…okay,” Alessia said, nervously.
“Lessi… I want to give you my house…”
“A house?!”
“Yes. But if I leave it to you, I want you to live in it.”
“But…I live here.”
“I know. After your mom is gone, I thought maybe you’d want to be closer to your brother. My house isn’t nearly as big or as nice as this, but it’s homey, and there’s enough room for everyone.”

She looked so lost. Did Mama not talk to her? Or did she not consider the whole picture? Probably the latter. She was never good at caring about much beyond her nose. I, on the other hand, was giddily distracted by the idea of us being neighbors. Ever since learning Jace abandoned her, I had been trying to think of the best way to help her and the babies. Never once did I consider her moving to live near me until Dub mentioned his rental property. It was the perfect solution for both of us. She’d have family nearby to help with the kids, Des would grow up with faux siblings, and I’d get to keep an eye on Less and be a positive male figure in my niblings’ lives. Everyone wins!
“I know that’s a big decision,” he said, “and expecting you to make it now isn’t right, so how about this… I’ll leave it to Luca until you decide if you want it or not. But no matter what you decide, I don’t want either of you to sell it. I want it to stay in the family.”

“But…what do I do with it?” I asked.
“Rent it out and make some money. Or keep it and give it to one of the kids. I don’t have a pile of money to leave you like your mom does. This house is all I have. That’s why I chose not to rent an apartment when we moved. This house is my contribution to our family’s legacy. It can provide extra income for you or a head start for your children or their children as long as it stays in the family.”
I had only thought of rental property in terms of a shared living situation like Dub had done. I didn’t consider I could take a house I already owned and let someone else live in it while I lived somewhere else. The money tree had already done so much for my family’s future, but everything Dad had said opened my mind to so many more possibilities. Just like I told Dub, I could leave Desiree more than just money.
“Of course we’ll keep it in the family, Dad.”

The evening grew late, and I had to get home to my ladies, so I said goodnight to Dad, silently hoping that it wasn’t our final farewell. But in case it was, I gave him a good squeeze and told him I loved him.

I grabbed Less next.
“I love you too. I hope you’ll take the house.”
“We’ll see. You’re okay, I guess.”

“I KNOW you’re not leaving this house without saying goodbye to me,” Mama shouted, appearing from nowhere.
“Now, why would I ever think about doing that?” I kissed her on the cheek. “I love you. I’ll be back soon.”