Generation 3 · August 6, 2024 0

3.149 Perfect fit

I originally thought having Dad’s service at the cemetery was a good idea, but Mama convinced me to do the memorial part at the house. Afterward, we’ll take him to the cemetery and say our goodbyes in private; she said we’ll need that. Plus, the weather in Newcrest was gonna be iffy, so she didn’t want to risk having everyone standing around in the rain. As if I’d need one more reason to seal the deal, she reminded us this will be our first time traveling with a baby. We didn’t need that extra layer of complexity on top of an already emotional moment. At the house, we’ll be more at ease and have easy access to anything she’ll need.

Once dressed, I grab Desi, head downstairs, and park her on the play mat. The toys hanging above her and the new perspective of the dining room captivated her instantly. I pull out my phone to send Dub a text to wish his daughter a happy birthday, only to find one from him saying he’s thinking of us today. I thank him and suggest, when all of this is over, we get our families together for some much needed fun. No sooner than I hit send, Dwayne called, also extending condolences. I guess my phone will ring a lot for a while. But he had another motive and extended an offer for help any way we needed. My first instinct was to decline. I had resolved my issues with him, and he and dad had made peace, so it wasn’t about that. It was simply a mindless response on autopilot. But I thought about it before the words left my mouth. Our friends and neighbors will be in our faces us all afternoon to comfort us and express condolences. Plus, I’ll need to make sure we have enough food. Sophia will more than likely have Desi, Mama will be a mess, and Alessia will decline all opportunities to take charge. We need a neutral third party to keep things together while we’re all encumbered in one way or another, so I accepted his generous offer. It felt weird to admit, but he’s the best man for the job. Outside of our family, he knew Ali the best, despite their limited relationship. He was glad to help, though a little nervous about the details. I allayed his anxiety and told him he didn’t have to give a speech or anything unless he wanted to. I just needed someone to keep things organized, kinda like an emcee, but not really. All he has to do is welcome everyone as they come in and create space for our guests to say a few words if they want. He graciously accepted the charge. I laughed to myself after hanging up, amazed at how far we’ve come. I went from near hating the man to opening my home and letting him in on a private family matter. It’s amazing what time and a bit of maturity can do.

He arrived early and complimented our home, saying this was his first time in San Sequoia. I introduced him to Sophia, officially. She saw him at the wedding, of course, and knew he was Mama’s man friend, but I never made formal introductions. We also introduced him to Desiree. I wish I had time to further our friendship. I mean, after doing this for us and giving those kind words at the wedding, I think it’s pretty clear he is our friend now. There’s so much I don’t know about him, and from the way he speaks, I feel he’s someone who enjoys cheerleading his loved ones from the sidelines. He would have been a cool step-dad, I guess. But it’s too late for that now. Hopefully, it will be a few more days before he and Mama pass, but hope is all I really have.