Generation 3 · September 20, 2023 2

3.15 Grand master plan

If Mama was really in the room crying, she probably wouldn’t feel up to making dinner, so I did. I tried grilling salmon steaks, and it was not half bad. The smell from my meal must have grabbed her nose because she appeared just as I was finishing up. She seemed more irritated than sad, so I thought I’d cheer her up by recounting how her man friend almost ran me over. I embellished parts and made it sound much more dramatic than it was, hoping for a tiny smile. I had to drag it out to the point of being ridiculous to get it.

In the morning, I woke up excited about my first yoga class, only to be deflated by claps of thunder and torrential rain. [sigh]

In happier news, Mama was in a much better state. Less called to let her know she arrived safely and was settling in nicely. I’d have to find out what else she said later.

Usually, when the weather didn’t cooperate, I did yoga in my room. But that day I went to the gym. Maybe I could quietly promote my class. When I arrived, I went to the yoga room and snapped a selfie at the instructor’s mat. The message said I canceled class because of the weather, but we’d be back on tomorrow. I got twelve more followers. It wasn’t much, but it made me so happy that sims would want to stay informed about what I was doing.

The yoga class wouldn’t start for another 30 minutes, so I got my morning jog in since I wasn’t able to do it with Tofu. When the instructor showed up, folks began filing in and I slowed down the treadmill and prepared to exit.

I walked into the studio and took a mat at the back, like I always did. When I looked up, I saw the cute girl from the restaurant on the mat in front of me. I didn’t need sakura tea to notice how good she looked in her perfectly fitted outfit. How was I supposed to concentrate on my workout with such a pleasant view?

To make matters worse, Mama’s man friend interrupted me, apologizing again. Ugh! It’s not like he landed me in the hospital or anything. Mama must have heckled him last night.

“Don’t worry about, it man,” I said.

Class began, and it was a full house. And once again, besides the instructor, I was the most advanced sim in the room. I didn’t want to keep looking at the girl, but I was curious about her fitness level and if she could keep up or not. Maybe she wouldn’t mind coming to my classes since I’d go at a slower pace. I peeked at her here and there, and she definitely was new to yoga. She couldn’t stretch very far and sat out on most of the poses because she couldn’t do them. To be fair, though, the routine challenged even me in spots. One time, I heard someone fall over. When I got to a place where I could see, it took everything I had not to laugh out loud at him sprawled out on the floor like a smashed cockroach.

After class, the girl didn’t leave right away, so I took advantage of the moment and tried to get to know her.


“Oh…hi,” she said, as if it did not surprise her to see me.

“I didn’t get your name yesterday. I’m Luca.”


“Nice to meet you, officially.”

“Yeah. Same.”

“So…was this your first time doing yoga?”

She snorted.

“Couldn’t you tell?”

“Ha! Well…I didn’t want to assume… I’m actually starting my own yoga class in my backyard tomorrow. Would you like to come? It’ll be way easier than what we just did.”

She gazed at me for a moment before replying.

“I’m not sure if yoga is my thing… But I’ll take your number in case I change my mind.”

She smiled coyly as she typed in my digits. She almost looked like some grand master plan had come together.

“You should take mine too,” she said, “…for updates…and whatever.”

Ah ha! She did have a plan. I knew nothing about her. Was she someone I wanted to keep in contact with for whatever? But… A girl never gave me her number before and definitely never asked for mine. It was nice. I could debate internally about whether it was a good idea later.

“Talk to you later,” she said and sashayed out of the room.

Debate or not…there was something about her. I did not know if I could trust her, but somehow I felt like if we were to keep in contact, we would have lots of fun together.