Generation 3 · August 21, 2024 0

3.156 This needs to stop

I guess this is our new routine, Desi waking up at 4 a.m. to summon us, me doing whatever possible to get her back to sleep, and then beginning my day much earlier than I need to. No wonder I’m toast hours before bedtime. I keep telling myself it’s temporary. Desiree doesn’t know what time is and what hours are appropriate to be awake, but soon, she will. Until then, I will be at her beck and call, morning, noon, and night. I love hanging out with her, and I love she loves hanging out with me. Some babies are super independent and want to do everything on their own. The parenting forums say holding babies too much creates a problem, and I wholeheartedly agree. She’s gotta let go of this constant need for cuddles, and I need to toughen up and let her figure it out because there are certain things parents and children shouldn’t do together. But she screams as if she’s trying to tell the entire planet how badly I’ve offended her, and I can’t handle how unhappy she gets. I need to find the courage to say, “I love you, but, no.” Even thinking of telling her no gives me the heebie jeebies. So, until then … We poop together. Send help.