Generation 3 · September 3, 2024 0

3.160 Desiree

Desiree blows raspberries now. Like … This is a thing she is constantly doing. It was cute the first few times she did it, but now she can’t stop and I’ve had it up to here with the constant spittle in my face. But she’s my girl, and I love her, so I just give it back to her. She acts like it’s the most thrilling thing she’s ever experienced. She also babbles full time now. This morning, when I came in to feed her (at 8 a.m.!!!) she was having a full-on one-sided conversation. Looks like we’re going to have a chatty one on our hands. Watching her grow is such a pleasure. It’s like witnessing a miracle right before my eyes. I tried to see if she could say daddy, but she’s not quite ready for that one yet, heh.

Rosie is still so curious about Desi and came to visit us while I fed her. I feel like she knows they’re going to be BFFs and is impatiently waiting for her to come out of that crib or something. Hopefully Desi will like animals. It’ll be a shame if she’s scared of them. Still, the prospect of her playing with them gives me all the more reason to get her sitting up and crawling.

Later in the afternoon, we tried tummy time again. Even though she’s nearly there, she still seemed hesitant to try at first. But Desi stood on business and put in the work. She was doing so well, holding her head up high and looking around at her kingdom, but then she just…quit! Just like that, she plopped down, as if her strength gave out completely. She had a little tantrum and everything. But just like yesterday, she got over it and tried again! She’s so determined to do this, and I couldn’t be more proud of her can-do attitude. I hope it’s something that will remain throughout her life. She’s still not sitting up, but she rolled over on her own! Because her spirit is strong, I wanted to give her one more chance and hoped I didn’t exasperate her. This time, I wanted to see if she would sit up, so I turned her over and plopped her down on her little booty. She enjoyed that a lot.

I let her go, but didn’t remove my hands too far. She was wobbling all over the place, scaring the cowplant essence out of me, even though I was right there to catch her when she toppled over. I didn’t think she would last too long on the first try, but the girl is determined and maintained a little balance for as long as she could before toppling over. By tomorrow, she’ll be sitting up. Mark my words. But until then, we’ve got to get her dressed to go to Mama’s house. Instead of hiring our own babysitter, we’re dropping her off with Alessia’s nanny. She already has three infants to look after. What’s one more?