Generation 3 · September 4, 2024 0

3.161 Against my will

Okay, so I know I look like I’m either on a Sulani vacation or a nice date with my wife, but this is the only green dress shirt I have. It’s not exactly my style, but it will do for the occasion. Sophia and I stand at the door, hoping our guests will recognize me because I have no idea who’s coming to this thing. I had asked Dereck Jang to see who he could find, but I never followed up with him. My friend Justin arrived first, as always. I love our friendship so much. We barely talk or see each other, but when I call, he’s right there.

After a while, the club began filling up, so we went inside so we wouldn’t impede traffic flow. This guy I’d never seen before walked up and introduced himself. Darius Clemons was his name, and he said his mother was one of Mama’s best friends. His mother’s name was Diamond, and he recently lost both of his parents too. That fact instantly created a bond between us. I gave him my condolences, and he offered his. He’s married, no children. His wife was at the bar talking to Justin. Her mother, Gemma, was another one of Mama’s best friends. I honestly did not know a lot about her life before me or even pre-divorce. She was just so laden with guilt and shame, she put the past in a vault and only shared what was necessary. It was kinda nice to meet sims who knew her before I did. After talking to him for a while, I realized they were a lot older than me, despite their baby faces. They were teenagers when I was born. He remembered the day Gammy died. It was Beach Cleanup Day, and Mama organized a big family day in Sulani for us, her friends, and their families. His parents were never together, and his mother had gotten married to someone else, but he remembered spending the day with both his parents. He even remembered seeing me and Less as tiny tots. What a treat! Suddenly, I wanted to interview every single sim who came for us just to learn more about Mama, and even my own life before the divorce.

Dereck and Chi Chi arrived at the same time, and I half expected her to bring a plus one. Sophia says she’s been texting her a lot lately, asking if she knows this man or that man she’s thinking about dating. I’m glad she’s getting back out there and that she has a friendship with Sophia, but I don’t know why she thinks Sophia knows everyone. Maybe it’s more a show of good faith so she knows Chi Chi isn’t still gunning for her husband, heh. However, it turned out she did have a plus one…sorta. The guy she went out with last week was the DJ tonight. She went on a date with DJ Simms! I love that guy. Whenever I go to a club, and he’s there, I know the music is going to be on point.

Naturally, she embraced me and asked how I was holding up.

“I’m hanging in there,” I said.

“That’s about all you can do.”

“I appreciate you coming out.”

“Don’t be silly! I wouldn’t miss this. I didn’t know your mom long, but she was really cool.”

We joined everyone else on the dance floor, and I met a few more sims from Mama’s past. I kept my eyes on the door, hoping Alessia would walk through at any moment. Last time she skipped a party, I was furious, but I wouldn’t blame her this time. I’m trying to keep it cool, but this is one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I don’t feel like dancing. I don’t want to laugh and be nice to these strangers. I want to be at home with my baby and my wife. But even though she’s not here, I’m still Emmy’s son, and I’m a damn good son, so here I am, dancing like she wanted me to.

But after a while, it’s clear this is too much for Less, so I abandon the idea of waiting for her and try to wrap this thing up. It’s getting late, and didn’t want to be here, anyway. But, there is one thing that could make this night complete. I grabbed Sophia and went upstairs to do karaoke. This is the perfect way to memorialize Mama tonight. Someone is singing already, so we grab a table to wait for our turn.

An unfamiliar voice called my name. It was the rude girl from the spa. I hadn’t seen her in so long, I almost forgot we had fake beef. She wanted to know where I’d been and if everything was okay. Maybe she too thought it was time to bury the hatchet.

I kept it brief and light, stating life had been super hectic since having a baby. She told me whenever I want to come back to the spa to let her know, and we can work something out. Is it just me or is that code for she misses me? See…if she would have been nice to me the first time… Let me not finish that thought.

Just as we get up to sing, Less walks through the door, and I was so glad to see her. But just like when Mama and I sang, she makes a beeline for the door and goes back downstairs. I’ll never understand that woman, but I sure do love her. She’s my OG best friend and biggest pain the ass, heh.

Sophia and I sing our little non-singing hearts out and head back downstairs to say goodnight to everyone. I found Alessia in good spirits and told her I was glad she came and proud that she got over whatever she had to overcome to get here tonight. Neither of us wanted to here, but I think we both knew we needed this distraction. I had fun against my will, and I’m glad I did.