Generation 3 · September 14, 2024 0

3.168 First friends

Yasmine goes into one of the bedrooms to get the girls. They’d been playing relatively quietly in there this whole time. “Come meet mommy’s friends,” I hear her say. The girls come out sheepishly at first. One of them even stood in the corner with her back to us. Yasmine told them to be nice and say hi. I knew Sophia was checking out the girls, looking for the red eyes just like me, but they were too far away and the lights were dim. Yasmine asked if we would mind keeping an eye on them while she took a shower. It’s been a minute since she’s been able to shower in peace. I suppose that will be me and Sophia’s concern pretty soon, but at least there are two of us. She disappears into the bathroom, and the less reserved twin asks if we’re her mommy’s friends. I glance at Sophia when I tell her yes. She’ll probably want to discuss this later, but at the moment I can’t picture us hanging Yasmine out to dry. They need us, and I want to help.

The girl lights up and says her name is Savannah. This whole evening, Desiree had been up and down, in and out of our arms. I love how she wants to give her new legs a spin while also stay tied to us. When the girls came out, she got really squirmy so I put her down again.

Sophia told Savannah she liked her shoes. “Tank koooo” is what the girl said. She came over and squeezed herself in between us on the couch, so I got up and sat on the other side of Sophia to give us some space.

“Her the baaaby,” she said, in reference to Desi.

“Yes, she’s my baby,” Sophia said. “Do you want to say hi?”

Her eyes were dark like Yasmine’s, so the shy one must be the magic one. Sophia turned to Desiree to get her attention, but she was following the other twin who had slowly made her way to us.

“Hey there,” I said. “I’m Luca. What’s your name?”

She said her name is Stacey. Her twin had been babbling at Desi, so I guess she figured we were safe and joined us hesitantly. I have no idea what Savannah and Desiree went on about, but it was a very lively conversation, and Desi loved every minute of it. She’s been showing us signs all week, but this confirms it. She’s going to be very outgoing just like me.