Generation 3 · September 22, 2024 0

3.171 Happy birthday to ya

When it got closer to party time, Sophia and I moved the couch to the backyard for more seating options. Our parties always end up fragmented with some sims eating in the house and others on the patio. My goal is to keep everyone together, so hopefully this will help. We also moved the picnic blanket and put the portable crib outside to accommodate the little ones. Because we’re friendly again, I invited Yasmine and her girls, but she declined. She doesn’t know the other guests and didn’t want anyone asking questions about Stacey. I completely understood but feel bad for her. This spellcaster business has really trapped her and the girls in their home.

Apart from my baby aging up, I’m most excited about having Dub and his family in our home for the first time. Between the deaths and parenthood, it’s been super hard for us to connect lately. I guess I was naïve enough to believe it would be easier being in the same city, but life keeps proving it doesn’t matter where we are. Life is going to life, and that’s that. I suppose I’ll have to be more intentional about hanging with him too.

“You got it smelling good out here, bro,” a voice says from behind me.

That Henford accent is unmistakable, and I was so glad to hear it. I turned around and embraced him.

“Wassup, man! Did you find us okay? Welcome! Finally!”

“Right? Took you long enough!”

“Don’t even play, man. You know how life is sometimes.”

“Sure do. This house is nice! And the view!”

“Thanks. If you’re able to stick around later, I’ll give you the tour. Hey, where’s Maia? Is she coming?”

“Yeah, she’s running a little late. She’s just finishing up a project for a client.”

“Ahhh. See? San Sequoia has been good to you already. I’m glad her business is picking up.”

There’s no way Dub showed up alone, so I looked around for Tambara, knowing she couldn’t be too far behind. I spotted her toddling across the yard, trying her best to catch up with her daddy.

“She’s getting to be extremely independent these days,” Dub said when he realized I was watching her. “She won’t even let us pick her up anymore. I don’t mind that so much, but waiting for her really slows me down.”

“She’ll get faster,” I said, thinking about Desiree’s determination. “Just give her time.”

Tami and Desi look nothing alike, but I see glimpses of the immediate future in her proud face and wobbly gait. I want Desi to grow up and change the world, but I can’t part with my little girl. At the same time, I’m anxious to see her continue to grow. I love watching her smash these milestones like the boss baby she is. Ugh. Fatherhood is just a melting pot of contradictions. How can I be happy and sad, proud and scared at the same time?

Tami finally made her way over to us, so I waved.

“Hey there! Do you remember me? I’m Luca. That’s a pretty dress.”

Her face lit up, and I knew it didn’t matter if she remembered me or not. I was currently her new bestie. Flattery works at all ages, hee hee.

“What do you say when someone gives you a compliment?” Dub asked.

“I know,” she shouted.

Me and Dub had a good laugh. She’s so precocious, and I love it. Kids really do say the darndest things, and I can’t wait to hear what Desi will have to say. Hopefully that’s not a be careful what you wish for situation, heh.

“That’s right, Tam,” I said. “You better know it.”

“How are you holding up?” Dub asked, wiping the smile off my face.

“I’m good. As good as I can be, rather. It gets a little better every day.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I can’t even think about what that’s going to be like.”

“It might sound morbid, but you should start thinking about it, man. It’s the shock that’s hard to get over.”

“You play dollies with me,” Tambara shouts.

That was probably supposed to be a question, but she’s too excited about her new, big friend and it’s too cute.

“Oh, no,” Dub says to me. “You start that and she’ll never let you go.”

She’s adorable, looking just like both of them. I hope she and Desi will like each other. It’ll be a shame to have them fighting or snubbing each other when we hang out.

“You can play with Desiree later, okay?” he says.

“Speaking of… We should probably get this show on the road soon. Let me finish these ribs.”

(makeovers and family photos below!)