Generation 3 · September 30, 2024 0

3.173 The whole truth

I had every intention of waking up early to get a jump on cleaning up the mess, but my bed had me in a chokehold. The room was the perfect temperature thanks to the cooler autumn air and my skimpy attire. I eventually pried myself away from the soft, cool sheets, but the thought of washing piles of soiled dishes made me regret ever leaving my crisp sanctuary. Still, I dragged myself downstairs, fully prepared to insist on calling a cleaning service only to find the task nearly completed. Sophia is a goddess, and the Watcher must really love me. I appreciated her pro-activeness, but felt bad about her doing all of that alone when we were supposed to tackle it together. Even though I knew there wasn’t anything else to do, I still looked around to find a way to help and found piles of dog hair everywhere—even outside. I used to stay on top of brushing Rosie when she and Kooper were our only babies, but now I barely know what day it is half of the time. She’s lucky if I’m able to go jogging with her.

With nothing else to do, I jumped on breakfast while Sophia checked on Desiree, who was still asleep. It’s been a while since I had a nice, quiet, mess-free meal with my wife. Well, at least it began quietly. My phone would not stop ringing. First, Less called with a wild story about bath time adventures with our terrific trio. Spoiler alert: they were not so terrific, heh.

Next, Maira called to explain why she missed Desi’s birthday party. I was so overjoyed to learn she had gone on a date, and it went well! She’s finally ready to let love into her life, and I couldn’t be more happy for her. I never understood why she was so hesitant apart from not wanting to be pressured by society’s expectations. She has her issues just like everyone else, but she is so sweet and deserves to have all the love she’s given come back to her. I tell her I can’t wait to meet him when the time is right, of course.

Sophia, overhearing my side of the conversation, expressed happiness for the news and hit me with an unexpected question when I hung up.

“What’s the story with you two?”

“Story? I thought I told you.”

“You did. But you clearly love her. I know you said you were always just friends, but something happened. I think I’m ready to know what that is now.”

This is such a healthy conversation between two very mature adults. Even though Sophia has always been very confident in our relationship, we couldn’t have had this conversation any earlier than now. We’ve lived through some things. She’s seen me with my friends and how we are together and understands the love I have for Maira is a different kind of love that is not a threat.


I sit back in my chair, thinking of what she really wants to know and how to tell this story because it’s one of my least fond memories.

“I almost lost her.”

Sophia gasped, and I knew this story was not what she had expected.

“The first I went to her place, she was going to make dinner. Heh, she wasn’t much of a cook, but she wanted to try. I don’t know how it happened, but the stove… It just…blew up. She was on fire, and I…”

It still pained me to remember how I ran out of there like a coward, leaving her to fend for herself. I think that’s just one of those things in life I’ll never get over and will beat myself up about it until I’m dead.

“I ran, Sophia. She was completely engulfed in flames, and I left her.”

“I’m glad you did,” she said. “Fires are so tricky! Both of you could have been hurt, or worse.”

“I know. It doesn’t make me feel less like a punk, though. Her building has a good alarm system, so the fire department came quickly and saved her, thank Watcher. She was okay, obviously. But I wasn’t. I didn’t realize how special to me she was until then. It wasn’t like I wanted to run off and marry her or anything, but she was someone I wanted to keep. I held her so tight. Her hair and clothes were singed, and she really needed to shower and change, but I couldn’t let her go. I refuse to let her go.”

“Wow, Luca! I’m so sorry you had to witness such a horrible accident. I see how things are different with her, especially when you feel partly responsible!”

“Yeah. I’m glad you understand.”

“I think I was afraid before, but I’m ready to know all your little secrets now.”

I’m really glad she asked me about this. Not because I felt burdened and needed to share, but because it created an atmosphere of intimacy we hadn’t experienced in a very long time, unfortunately. Between the wedding stuff, pregnancy stuff, parenthood stuff, and death, I feel like we’ve just been surviving for the longest, and I’m really looking forward to get back to living…whenever that is.

Just as that thought entered my mind, Dub called with a very enticing invitation. He proposed to Maia last night! He called me earlier that afternoon, panicking and afraid she’d turn him down, but I knew she would say yes. They’re eloping and want us to join them in Ciudad Enamorada to witness their nuptials. They rented a huge house with enough room for us if we want to stay with them. A free vacation with my best friend? Hell yes! The only caveat was that we’ll have to leave as soon as possible because it’s going down later today! Sophia waited anxiously for me to explain the one-sided conversation she overheard. I honestly thought she would hesitate to make such a big trip in a short amount of time, but to my surprise, she said yes immediately. We’re going to the City of Love, baby!