“Hey, SimTube. It’s been a minute, huh? I know, I know. Before I get started, I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you guys for the overwhelming welcome I received with my first video. I recorded that, not really expecting much, trying something new, and you guys ate it up. I really appreciate that, and I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in a while. Some of you out there really started to love yoga, and I let you down. I hope my absence hasn’t impeded your progress, but if it did, I sincerely apologize for dropping the ball. This isn’t going to be a yoga video, but I hope it will bring you some encouragement.”

“So… My life has been CRAZY since the last time I posted. I want this video to be positive, so I won’t go into all the details, but I will give you a quick life update. Last time I posted, I was living with my girlfriend. She’s my wife now, and we have a beautiful daughter. We just celebrated her child birthday, and I’m sure she’ll show up in a video at some point, heh. She loves hanging out with me and is such a social butterfly already.”
“We’ve lived through many challenges. Some of them, I didn’t know how we were going to get through. It felt like every time we got up, life beat us down again, and I longed for the days when l could find peace. I know it sounds weird for a yoga nut to struggle with that, but life hits us all. We struggled for a long time, but I’m finally finding peace, and I want to share a few nuggets with you that got us through.”

“It’s critical that you stay positive. It’s so easy to wallow in depression and let life pass you by. The problem with depression is that it’s even harder to come out of it once you’re in it. Keeping your eye on the prize, finding the silver lining, or being grateful for just one thing is super hard when you’re going through something big, but it’s so worth it. You can’t let yourself go to that dark place.”
“Another thing I learned is you need to determine your value. Not your family, not your career, not society. The world has a way of pressuring us into believing who we should be, what we need to be doing, and when you need to do it by. When you control the narrative of your life, you’ll find so much more joy and contentment. Finally, I want to remind everyone that plans change. Life is full of curveballs, and the result probably won’t look exactly like you thought it would, but that’s okay. Be friends with change and embrace it. Your life will be much better for it and will turn out more beautiful than you ever imagined. I hope that helps someone. Take care of yourselves, and I promise I’ll be back soon. Peace.”