Once again, I took advantage of the dry weather, daring Mother Nature to trick me again. I grabbed the toolbox and got back to work on the treehouse. I wish I could tell you I made good, uninterrupted progress. It was Rosie this time who pulled me away. She hovered nearby the entire time, so I stopped and gave her what she wanted. She’s only clingy like that for two reasons, and both of them require my undivided attention. We went for a long jog. When we returned, the house was dark, and my girls were fast asleep. The night was still young, and I wasn’t ready to call it quite yet, so I had a personal care night. I’m ashamed to admit when I last did yoga, and my muscles were a lot tighter because of it. I really need to figure out how to balance taking care of myself and my life.

In the morning, I woke up to a big ruckus on the side of my house. It sounded like a loud motor, so I got up to see what was going on. To my surprise, my sister caused the racket, and she was weeding the money tree! I can’t lie; I felt myself tearing up. Alessia is one of the most self-centered sims I know. There’s been almost nothing she’s done or said that didn’t benefit her. I mean, the woman skipped my engagement dinner because she didn’t feel like going, and she was my sim of honor. But there she was, in my side yard, caring for my tree. Whether it’s the kids softening her, or she’s finally maturing, I’m so grateful to see her considering others’ needs.

“Hey, sis. What are you doing out here?”
“Oh! Did I wake you?”
“Yeah, but it’s cool, I guess.”
“Sorry. I never saw a tree like this, so I came to get a closer look. When I saw the weeds, I figured I may as well. What is this, anyway?”
“I appreciate you doing that. This is my wedding gift from Dub. It’s a money tree.”
She gasped.
“They’re real?!”
“Right? I didn’t think they were either.”
“Wow. He’s some friend.”
“Yeah. He’s the best.”
I rarely have opportunities to be up close and personal with my sister. Her eyes look tired, and I realized I don’t actually know what’s going on in her life.
“How are you doing, Less? Like, really.”
She shrugged.
“I’m alright, I guess.”

“Really, Less?”
She shrugged lackadaisically again. Some things about her will never change.
“There’s not much to tell. I have my kids and boring job so they don’t eat me.”
I laughed so loud. Good thing we don’t have neighbors right next to us.
“What about Jace?” I asked. “You heard from him?”
“Damn. I was really hoping he’d step up.”
“He’d have to be a man to do that.”
“HA! Okay, you got me there.”
I had another question I was afraid to ask. The last time I asked it, I got WAY more than I bargained for. But I really wanted an answer. I promised Mama I would look after her, and I can’t quite do that if I don’t know what I’m dealing with.
“So…are you seeing anyone?”

“When the hell would I have time for that?”
“Touché. You should make time, though. I don’t want you to feel like you’re trapped in the house with the kids all the time. That’s why we moved here, remember?”
“Yeah. I know. The truth is, I kinda like those little gremlins. I thought I’d hate motherhood and being tied down, but…”
“Yeah. Kids have a way of melting your heart.”
“They do. I’ll get back out there at some point, but for now, I’m cool with just me and my three.”

Has Winterfest come early? Because I’ve just witnessed two miracles, ha!
“I’m really glad to hear that. I always worried about how this would go for you because…you know. Happy to know you’re enjoying the journey. Mama would be so proud of you…”
The latch on the gate behind us clicks. My cute little shadow walks through, looking like she’s on a mission.
“Auntie Lessia, can Breanna come play?”

“Des, it’s not even 8 a.m.,” I said. “Give them time to get dressed and eat breakfast.”
“She can spend the day with us, you know,” Alessia suggested.
As much as I love my sister, she was never on my list of potential babysitters. It’s not that I don’t trust her or I think she won’t take care of my child because I know she will; I’ve seen it. I’ve just always been painfully aware of her situation and didn’t want to add to her stress. But given what she just told me, maybe we can change that.
“Are you sure? You have your hands full already.”
“It’s cool, Luca. What’s one more child? Besides, having her over will help me. With all four of them together, everyone will have a playmate. That frees to do other things.”
I never thought of it that way.
“True. Well…yeah, okay. If you’re cool with it, I’m down.”
“You want to help me make breakfast?” she asked Desiree.
“Okay,” Desiree shouted.
“You’re such a little sweetie.”

“By the way,” she said to me, “I’m still very upset you got the blue-eyed child. Like, what in the world??”
“I guess the Watcher loves me the best.”
“Whatever! You look like a dork. What are you even wearing?? Looking like a freezer bunny threw up on you!”