The morning sunlight played hide and seek as the trees surrounding the house shielded us from its brilliance. I knew I should get up because my child had probably been awake for hours by now, but I was still so tired. But between the two of us, I’d rather Sophia sleep in and get all the rest she needs. So I got up and went to Desi’s room. She wasn’t there, so I walked around the house until I found her. When I did, I couldn’t move or speak. I was so shocked by what I saw, but also kind of confused, very afraid, and more proud than I’d ever been. My child—my shadow—was doing yoga!

This thing I’ve loved for more than half my life now has somehow found its way into my daughter’s life, and I don’t even do it consistently anymore. When has she even seen me do it? Most of the time, I wait until she and Sophia are asleep. Heh, clearly that little booger isn’t always asleep. Before I knew it, I had her in my arms, giving the biggest bear hug ever.
“You’re doing yoga, Desi!”

She shrieked as I spun her around.
“How did you learn to do this?”
“I watch you from my window!”
“When you’re supposed to be asleep?“
She giggled some more, guilty as charged.
Good thing I’m not a bad guy doing shady stuff out there. Who knows what I could have been teaching her. With the mystery solved, I moved on to more important questions.
“So, do you like yoga?”
“What do you like about it?”
“I like… I can be STRONG and fast like Llama Woman!”

I suppose, being the child of two active sims, her gravitation toward physical activities shouldn’t have surprised me. This is so cool. I mean, I know it’s natural for our children to be like us, but to experience it in this way… This is just so incredibly cool.
“Doing yoga can definitely make you strong, but you have to promise to come get me when you want to do it, okay? I don’t want you to try anything fancy and hurt yourself. Alright?”

“Okay, I promise.”
“Good. You cute little stinker. You go to sleep when I tell you! Let’s go make breakfast for Mommy.”