Despite the joy I felt from Maira’s news, I still felt…off. My emotions were all over the place, and I kinda wanted to be alone to sort myself out. I’d usually go for a jog or something, but I didn’t want to leave the comfort and safety of my home. So, as much as I could, I stayed away from my girls. Luckily, Desiree was more interested in her Winterfest gifts, and Sophia had chores to do. I thought I’d grab some food and eat in the living room because it’s quiet in there, but no sooner than I sat down, someone knocked at the front door. I groaned at the loss of my me time and for my nerves; it was Chi Chi. She came in, yammering on about her grandson, Titus, and how cute he is, and how big he’s getting, and how much she loves him, and how her daughter is pregnant again, and how she hopes she and the boyfriend plan to get married. I had eaten several bites of my pineapple fried rice before she really noticed me.
“You’re looking mighty relaxed and happy, mister! Sophia gave you some extra Winterfest loving?”

“Ha. Something like that. You look rather refreshed yourself. We just got back from Mt. Komorebi.”
“Oh, that’s old news. I let this fancy business guy try to impress me with a weekend Sulani trip a few weeks ago. I knew it wasn’t going to work, but I appreciate the tan, ha ha!”
Sophia came downstairs, and Chi Chi hopped on her like flies on dog poop. I don’t recommend anyone getting caught in Chi Chi’s tsunami of words, but I was glad to get her attention off me. I tried to ignore them and go back to my space, but I couldn’t help but eavesdrop. After all, they were just a few feet from me, and Chi Chi was way too eager to discuss this alleged glow I have about me. Hearing my wife and my friend gush about good I put it down was not the way I saw my evening going, but at least they weren’t talking about the fire. I know if it came up, she’d slip into supportive friend mode quick and smooth like a ninja. Caring and making you feel seen is one of her best traits, but that’s just not what I want right now.

They talked and giggled some more, and I finished my dinner. At some point, though, I heard little feet overhead stepping toward the stairs. I should have known an unfamiliar voice would draw Desi away from her play time. Sure enough, she traipsed downstairs, and Chi Chi could not contain herself.
“OH my word!! Look at how big you are! You are just the cutest thing!! She looks so much like both of you!! And those eyes! Hello, gorgeous! Oh, she’s gonna be so much trouble when she’s a teenager!”
Desi stared at her, half smiling and kinda dazed. I snickered because I knew that exact feeling.
“Mommy,” she whispered, “who’s this?”
Sophia and Chi Chi laughed.
“You don’t have to be afraid of little ol’ me! I’m Chi Chi! I met you when you were just a cute little thing!”
“Chi Chi is a friend of ours,” Sophia said.

I’m sure we all breathed a sigh of relief when her phone buzzed.
“Oh, I’ve got to run. Karmi Karms isn’t feeling too well; you know how the first trimester is. Why she doesn’t ask the boyfriend for help is beyond me. I know a girl needs her mother, but what’s the point of having a man in the house if he’s useless?! Anyway, happy New Year’s Eve, everybody! I’ll see you soon!”
And with that, she disappeared as quickly as she arrived. She is something else. With peace restored in our home, heh, and Desi looking to be social, I seized the opportunity I wanted from this morning.
“Hey, Des, you wanna do yoga with me?”
We changed into our workout gear and went outside. It’s too bad Sophia isn’t into wellness. We could do yoga as a family.
Desi chose a mat, and I took the one in front of her.
“You’re good at mimicking the moves, but now you need to understand why you’re doing them and how to get the most out of them.”
She was so excited; she couldn’t stay still.
I got into position for a pose, and she followed.
“This is called the downward dog pose.”

Of course, the name made her giggle. I got up to make sure she did it right and to provide more instruction.
“This is one of the most basic poses. Plant your feet flat on the mat and try not to get on your toes. You should feel that stretch going all the way up your leg. Do you feel it?”
“I feel it!”
“Good. You should always plant your feet flat on the mat and dig your toes into it. That’ll keep you balanced and give you a strong footing. But also when you do yoga, you want to create resistance to stretch all your muscles, so that’s another reason.”

I took her through all the basic poses, and then we did them together. It gave me the calm I needed, and barring anything bad happening tomorrow, I’d say the year ended on a good note.