I woke up super late and almost missed sending Desi off to school. I mean, comparatively, I woke up pretty early, but it wasn’t early enough to get myself ready, cook breakfast, make sure Desi was ready, and get pics. Something from that list had to go, so I threw on a robe and made the breakfast, though we didn’t have time to eat. We barely had time for pics, but I got them. I’m sure I looked crazy out there, half-dressed with messy hair, but I didn’t care, though; I couldn’t miss that. Less came to see Desi too, so I hope she felt extra special and had an amazing day.

I watched my only child get whisked away and went back inside to eat before the food got cold. Sophia busied herself with chores and had a very stoic expression. She was nervous and trying to keep herself busy, and I empathized with that because an emotional storm of my own was swelling inside. But Sophia kept the house so spotless, she quickly ran out of things to do and joined me finally.
“I couldn’t do it,” she said.
I knew exactly what she meant, but she explained anyway.
“I couldn’t watch her go. I’ve been on the verge of tears all morning, and I didn’t want to upset her.”
“I get it. Trust me.”

“She wasn’t scared at all,” I added. “She was just as excited as she was last night.”
“Good,” she said, wiping a tiny tear that managed to escape.
“I’m gonna head to the spa.”
“So soon?”
“If I don’t go now, I’ll end up crying in bed all day.”
“Smart. Okay, well, have a good day then.”

A yoga class was about to begin when I arrived, so I started a guided meditation session. Honestly, I was concerned about how well I’d be able to focus while worrying about Desi, but the session turned out to be exactly what I needed to get my mind off her. I had a good turn out, and two of my participants got really focused and levitated! That was such a rewarding moment. I never allow myself to get that focused when I’m hosting, but I love it when I’m able to reach that level of clarity and peace. I’ve only experienced that a handful of times, and I was glad for them, especially since they paid for it, heh.

At the end of the session, I let everyone know about my SimTube channel and to follow me on Social Bunny to be notified when I do public yoga classes. The levitating duo left together, and one of them gave me a tip! I ran behind them to thank them for coming. Turns out they are married. She’s been a long time wellness fan, but he was pretty much a coach potato when they met. She got him into yoga when they moved in together. I loved hearing that story. It had nothing to do with me or my efforts, but it just confirmed how powerful wellness can be.

It was nearing dinner time when we said goodbye and parted ways, so I ran home. It’s so nice living around the corner from the spa, but a thunderstorm had been going on, so running home wasn’t too pleasant. I asked Sophia where was Desi, and she said she was hiding under the covers because the thunder scared her. I took a shower and changed before seeing about her.
She crawled from under the covers when she heard my voice, so I sat next to her and gave her a tight squeeze.
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
“I’m scared the lightning will hit the house and it will catch on fire!”
Ugh. The fire affected her more than we realized. There’s nothing I can really do about it, but I wish I would have checked in with her instead of hiding from everyone. How do I handle this? I can’t really assure her that will never happen because it could, though unlikely.
“I understand. And it’s okay to be scared. Just know that whenever you’re with us, you’re safe, no matter what happens, okay?”

“Will the house catch on fire?”
“That is very unlikely to happen.”
Rosie crawled from under the bed. Darn storm scared all my little girls.
“Rosie needs a hug too, Daddy!”
“How about another hug for you first?”
“You’re squishing me!”

Sophia walked in with consternation all over her face, just as I was squeezing Rosie. I guess all the girls are scared.
“How is she?” she asked.
“Desi? Oh, she’s fine. Just needed a little reassurance. You look a bit rattled yourself.”
“It’s just so loud! I’m not used to storms like this.”
“Okay, Rosie, I gotta put you down. Mommy needs a hug, too.”

With everybody comforted and feeling the love, Desi began telling us about her first day of school. It was pretty typical on the surface: pizza, fries, library, and recess. Savannah and Stacey aren’t in her class because they were a little older, but she saw them at the playground. I asked about Tami, but she didn’t see her at all. I guess that makes sense because she’s also older. Come to think of it, all of her potential friends will be aging up soon, so hopefully she’ll make other friends. We have about two weeks before her birthday, and I want to keep that thought waaaaay off in the distance.