Generation 3 · October 23, 2023 4

3.32 Yoga saved my life

Autumn in San Sequoia might be perfectly warm, but it sure was rainy. Every time I made plans to advertise my public yoga classes at the rec center, that little storm cloud icon on my phone taunted me. I almost felt like I should forget the idea until the spring and focus on the spa gig, but that was so far away. Maybe I needed to consider finding another location. I could use the money Mama gave me to rent some place if it came to it. I loved how generous the people at the rec center were, and I wanted to return the favor. But that wasn’t a sustainable solution.

Speaking of the spa gig, I almost had a full house and received a compliment that touched me deeply. A lady said she felt like, if she kept practicing, she would one day be able to touch her toes without pain. That was why I loved yoga so much. We had the power to heal ourselves, if only we had the proper knowledge. I wanted to spread that knowledge to any and everyone who would listen.

The spa had a meditation room that never got used, management said. And because they now had two yoga instructors, and the old hag was still unwilling to hang it up, they asked if I would host guided meditations and let her do the yoga sessions. I agreed, but to be completely honest, I knew nothing about guided meditation. Sure, I’d watched some online and tried doing it at home. But to teach others? And they paid me money? It made me uneasy. But if I could teach yoga in my backyard with only a level five skill level, surely I could wing this.

When I did yoga by myself, I always had a positive image in my mind when I began the deep breathing. I used that to help me come up with things to say during the meditation. Hopefully, no one found it corny. I sat on the stool, closed my eyes, and I told everyone to imagine they were in the clouds, high above everything, everyone, their problems, and pain. Feel how free they were.

Yoga got me through the teenage confusion on top of being the product of a broken home. All those negative feelings and emotions melted away as I breathed and stretched and pushed my body further than it wanted to go. And when it was over, I was so energized, like being on a natural high. I wanted everyone I came in contact to feel that.

I didn’t notice Chi Chi in the class before. She came up to me afterward and asked if I wanted to come to her house later and watch the season premiere of Peach is the New Orange.

“Uhh…s-sure. Yeah! I’d love to.”

She caught me off guard every time I saw her. I felt like I’d do anything she asked me to. Watcher! Even though I decided to abandon fear and get to know my lady friends better, I was not expecting to add another name to the roster. And this one came with a little friend I hadn’t met yet. I knew better than anyone how women with children deserved a second chance. But was that a situation I wanted to be in? I didn’t think so, but that didn’t stop me from wanting to spend time with her.