Generation 3 · January 5, 2024 0

3.65 Mistake

Sophia took advantage of her day off and slept in. I woke up around 11:00 and made sure the pups were okay. Kooper was snoozing while Rosie was completely awake, just like me. I showed her some love, then taught her how to go potty outside. Sophia was still knocked out at like 2:00, so I went for a jog, hoping the puppies wouldn’t bug her too bad. See? Neither of us would survive this relationship either if we kept woohooing like that. One day, our brains would just stop working, haha. But if we croaked early, at least we’d be together.

After I returned and showered, Sophia had finally woken up and ate leftover frittatas. Dad called, saying Mama had called him this morning, all excited about me. He was relieved I finally decided to tell her, not because he had difficulty keeping my secret, but because he believed I shouldn’t have hidden it from her.

“What’s all that noise back there?” he asked. “It sounds like screaming children. Do you have another secret to share?”

“HA! No, I do not. We adopted two puppies. I think they’re doing a duet.”

“Oh my. Well, you’ve certainly got your hands full. I’ll let you go. That’s all I had to say.”

We said goodbye, and I washed dishes.

“So…yesterday I got the feeling you wanted to go out,” she said.

“Oh. I mean…. It’s not that I wanted to go out. I’m just not really a home guy, so all my suggestions involve leaving the house. But I enjoyed being at home with you, though.”

“Okay, well, yesterday we did what I wanted, so today we’re going to do what you want, and I think you want to get dressed up and go dancing!”

“That’s what I want, huh?”

She nodded affirmatively.

“That’s what you want.”

She took Gammy’s advice way too seriously, but I had no problem with that.

Yasmine called while I was getting dressed, and I seized the opportunity for privacy while Sophia was in the shower. She wanted to see me, of course. I told her I had plans and was currently getting ready, but assured her I’d reach out tomorrow because I wanted to talk to her. Knowing she’d soon have my undivided attention, she let me go.

Sophia took her sweet time getting ready, but when she finally came out, I was floored. She had on a short skirt, a crop top with plenty of eye candy, and cowgirl boots. The boots were an odd choice, but surprisingly, they worked. Her hair was all curled up, and she had on a bit more makeup. She was smoking hot, and I did not want to leave the house anymore. But she insisted we get a move on, so we made our way back to Windenburg, the mecca of nightlife and the very spot where it all began for us.

It was like six something in the evening, but the place was packed as if it were 11:30. The DJ was on point, and I knew the night was about to be lit. We hit up the bar first, and I couldn’t take my eyes off Sophia. She was already beautiful without all the extra, but damn! I didn’t expect her to go all out, but she still had the simple elegance theme going. She never ceased to amaze me.

We finished our drinks, headed downstairs, and got in where we fit in. The dancefloor was massive, so there was plenty of space for us, despite the crowd. Still, we decided to stick to the back, where it was more relaxed and private. Mama would be bummed if she found out I was a just okay dancer, but Sophia and I were equally matched in that department. We had so much fun, moving and grooving, shaking our hips. Heh, I particularly enjoyed Sophia’s hips.

I got my fill of dancing and turned around to check out everyone else. That’s when I saw her…

I still thought her outfit was cool and would know it was her anywhere. Did she see me? Did she see Sophia? The dancefloor wasn’t the best spot for our chat, but if she saw us, things could get messy—on both sides. I went to Sophia first to explain what I was about to do because I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea when she saw me talking to another woman.

“Sophia… I just saw someone I used to hang out with. She’s been calling me a lot lately, so I’m gonna go over there and talk to her.”

She had a total deer-in-the-headlights look.


I knew deep down this was a bad idea, but it was already out there, so I tried to fix it up.

“I’ve been meaning to call her and tell her about us, but I keep putting it off. And she’s right there. I could just do it right now.”

She still looked confused, but not as much.

“Do what you need to do,” she said.

I pulled her into a tight hug for more damage control.

“I love you. I’ll be right back.”

Yasmine spotted me, and I watched her smile fade as she connected the dots.

“That the reason you’ve been dodging my calls?” she asked, nodding toward Sophia.

I looked back at her and smiled.

“Yeah. That’s my girlfriend, Sophia.”

She shot me a glare that could melt steel.

Girlfriend? Since when do you have a girlfriend?”

“Officially? Since this week. But I think I always knew she was the one for me. I met her a while ago.”

Her jaw dropped, and I could tell she was getting heated.

The one? Y’all getting married or something?”

I shrugged.

“Sure…one day.”

She put her hand up to stop me from speaking.

“I just have one question.”

My stomach did a somersault. This was a terrible idea, and I was not prepared for the coming storm. She seemed like the kind of person who was really good at causing scenes.

“How you gonna judge me for wanting an open relationship when you were messing around with both of us?”

I tried on different responses like clothes, but none of them fit. Our situations weren’t the same—not by a long shot. Yet, I could see how she arrived at that conclusion.

“I didn’t… That’s different! I wasn’t in a relationship with either of you! It was just casual dating. I thought you understood that.”

She sighed.

“I did.”

“So…what’s wrong?”

“I played myself. I really like you, Luca.”

“You know what I was looking for, and I have that now. Sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, but I can’t have you blowing up my phone.”

“She’s pretty.”

“Yeah…she is.”

“I hate this.”


This! How it feels. I’m usually the one breaking things off. I hate you,” she said with pouty lips.

I tried to keep a straight face.

“No you don’t.”

“Maybe just a little.”

“I’m really sorry you had to find out like this. I wish I’d been braver and talked to you sooner.”

“That makes two of us. I feel really stupid, Luca.”

She was not going to give me even one inch.

“I’m sorry! Can we agree to keep things friendly from now on?”

She sucked her teeth.

“She’s not gonna let us be friends.”

I glanced at Sophia who was watching us closely with the most amazing smile.

“You’re probably right. But that is something we’re both going to have to respect.”

I was mainly talking about her, but it taught me something too. Mama’s problems began with this exact scenario when she refused to let go of Dwayne. But since I wasn’t in love with Yasmine, I didn’t see myself going there. Still, it was probably better to cut ties to avoid all suspicion and temptation. I’ll never get why Mama did what she did, but maybe I could be more forgiving.

“Was this what you wanted to talk to me about tomorrow?” she asked.


As if on cue, Sophia sashayed toward us with that unwavering smile, glancing at Yasmine.

“Are you ready to go, babe?” she asked, brushing past me.

Yasmine shot her a dirty look as she walked past, but surprisingly, she didn’t stay mad for long.

“Okay, Luca! She cute cute. I bet she’s a closet freak. And thicc too? I know you like that. Not mad.”

I let out a big breath and shook my head at her being so outspoken.

“Thanks…I think?”

“It hurts, but I’m glad you found someone who can give you what you want. If you have any open-minded friends or a twin, send them my way.”

I’d never get her and this whole non-exclusive thing, especially after seeing her mope about us not hanging out anymore. Regardless, I hoped she’d find someone who could give her what she wanted. May the Watcher bless him.