Generation 3 · January 16, 2024 0

3.74 San Sequoia dreaming

Dub was such a blast to hang out with, and I really wished we could have spent more time together, swapping stories and figuring out our lives. But eventually, he had to leave and meet Maia to catch their train. It made me really happy when he said he wanted to stay in touch. I was planning to ask him, but he beat me to it, and I was stoked to finally have a new friend. When I got home, Sophia asked where I’d come from all suited up, and I told her about meeting Dub. Needless, she was thrilled to hear about my new friend. That night, as I lay beside her, the memories of the afternoon replayed in my mind, from the tour to our conversations. At that moment, I recognized what I need to do. Or rather, how I needed to do it. I hyped up San Sequoia so much, but I never actually showed it to her. How could I expect her to be on board with going to a place she had never seen? For all she knew, it could be just another sleepy little town, like Oasis Springs. We were partners, and I knew she would pack up and leave when I was ready, but I wanted her to be excited about it. I needed her enthusiasm because, without it, she could resent me later. So, the next morning, as she began to stir, I asked if she had any plans.

“I was gonna ask if you did,” she said between a big yawn.

I smiled, happy to receive a green light, and moved some stray hairs away from her face.

“I do. I want to show you San Sequoia.”


She got up immediately and hopped into the shower. After we ate breakfast, we gathered the dogs and headed out to the Celebration Center. I was determined to be a better tour guide this time around.

“San Sequoia is a great place for families,” I began. “And this neighborhood is the hub. It’s called Gilbert Gardens, and I love it here.”

She glanced around, taking it all in.

“It’s pretty here.”

“This place is like a community hangout spot. They’ve got something to build just about any skill you can name for all ages.”

“Wow! That’s so important. Is this an affluent area? You usually only see learning centers in nicer areas.”

“From what I’ve learned, San Sequoia is a very diverse city, economically and socially. I personally have experienced the latter.”

She nodded, satisfied with my answers, but the lake stole her attention.

“I just want to jump in there. I haven’t been swimming in so long. My body is calling for it!”

“Swimming is allowed! And the weather is warm most of the year, so you could come here literally anytime you want.”

I saw a sparkle in her eyes and knew that was the moment she saw herself in San Sequoia. My tour was successful, and she hadn’t seen the best parts yet, so I kept going.

“That’s the spa I told you about over there. They’ve got everything and-“

“Oh look at this,” she shouted in the middle of my sentence. “This is the cutest, biggest splash park I’ve ever seen! We’ve gotta bring our kids here!”

That last part made me feel all warm inside, but I didn’t want to give myself away yet, so I demoted my smile to a slight smirk.

“We will.”

We walked around the lake, and I told her about the track. And of course I took her to the Arboretum and told her of the trail. I could tell she was eager for more, but we had another place to go. Next, we headed to what I hoped would become our new neighborhood. We strolled leisurely through the streets, hand in hand, looking at houses, making sure our dogs didn’t wander too far. The back of the neighborhood, where the Michaels’ lived, ended at the water. The closer we got, the faint smell of salt in the air got stronger. Like many cities, San Sequoia had its signature architecture, and many of the houses looked the same. But each one had its own unique characteristic, whether it was a garden or a cozy porch or even tacky stuff in the yard. All the homes comprised the tight-knit community I longed to be part of again.

“This is Hopewell Hills, my old neighborhood.”

“That’s a nice name. I see why you love it here so much. It’s so quiet!”

I grinned in pride for San Sequoia never disappointed. As we rounded the corner, the salty tang of the ocean permeated the air, and my heart began to race because it was almost showtime. I wasn’t nervous at all, but my excitement ate me up inside. With our destination just steps away, I created a diversion to set up my production. I slowed my pace and walked toward the marina, which had the most magnificent, unobstructed view of the bridge.

“This is my favorite spot in the neighborhood,” I said.

The bridge stood there, tall and majestic, proclaiming to all who gazed upon it, “THIS is San Sequoia!”

“Woooow! It looks so close, like you could swim to it,” she said.

“You can’t get any closer without being in Anchorpoint Wharf.”

I casually turned around to face the house we’d been standing in front of.

“I love this house, too. I ran by here every day, imagining what it would be like to live there and watch the sky change colors at sunset on the porch.”

“That sounds amazing. And this house is beautiful, Luca. Is it empty?”

“Sure is.”

She left me to walk around and peek in the windows. I watched her for a little while, hoping she saw something she liked.

“I want to buy this house,” I confessed finally.

She ceased her exploration and came back to me with a look of concern.

“It’s so big! Can we afford it?”

I guess after living in a tiny house for as long as she did, most houses seemed large to her. To me, it was the perfect size, with no wasted rooms or cramped spaces.

“Probably not,” I replied. “But we can figure it out….make a plan.”

Worry still radiated off her face, but that’s just how she rolled.

“But…can your SimTube money really handle this?”

I grabbed her hands.

“It might take some time, but I think we can do it. Whatever it takes, I’ll figure it out. One day, it’ll be me and you sitting on the porch watching the sunset. I’ll build get my dad to build that treehouse for our kids. Rosie will run around this neighborhood and Kooper will chill on the porch watching her.”

She laughed, but her eyes began to water.

“Ha ha! I think that’s what they’re doing now. Gosh, Luca! You’re an excellent salesman! I want all of that right now!”

“I do too. That’s really why I brought you here today. I love you, Sophia. I’ve loved you for a really long time, whether or not I knew it. You’re the only woman who could get me to this point. And you’re the only woman I’d want any of that with. We’ve been tiptoeing around marriage and starting a family. It’s something you’ve been wanting and waiting for. And I just want you to know…I want it too. All of it. And I’m ready and want to give it to you. Sophia, will you marry me?”


I wished I could snapshot that moment. She was so adorably shocked. It amazed me that she didn’t catch on, but I was delighted to see her sincerely surprised.

“YES!!!! Of course I will!! Oh, Lucaaaa!!”

The ring dazzled her immediately after she took it and put it on. I was so happy she liked it because I knew nothing about jewelry and didn’t ask for help. But as soon as I laid eyes on it, I knew it was the perfect one.

“Awwwww it’s a heart-shaped diamond! It’s so beautiful!”

“We’re getting married, Luca!!”

“I can’t wait.”