Generation 3 · January 30, 2024 0

3.79 Merry and bright

Soooo… Just as Sophia predicted, we arrived late, but not as late as she thought. When we walked in, the scent of cookies and tomato sauce filled the air. The food and desserts had probably just come out of the oven, and far as I was concerned, we were right on time. The house looked amazing, and so did Mama. I couldn’t get over how her new hair color just set off all her outfits. She looked like one of Father Winter’s helpers with the red and green clothes, brown boots, and white hair.

“Merry Winterfest, buddy,” she shouted, pulling me into a very merry hug. “Can’t believe you made it before we ate.”

“Heh, that makes two of you.”

Dad greeted Sophia, and I wrapped my arms around my dear sister.

“It’s sooo good to see you in real life, Less.”

“Yeah, you too…even though you didn’t call me when you got engaged.”

“It literally just happened yesterday! And you know Mama kidnapped us.”

“Oh, I know. She called me all frantic talking about, pack my things and come home immediately. I thought somebody died!”

Oh, Mama. She was so extra, and I loved it. Yeah, it could be too much sometimes, but I never had to wonder if she loved me.

I tried to introduce Less to Sophia, but she was really weird. She gave her a quick “nice to meet you” and went right back to speaking to me. Dwayne sat quietly watching all of us, so I introduced Sophia and sat down to give the illusion of including him. Naturally, Sophia and Less followed me. She dominated the conversation, asking me 1000 random questions. Sophia tried to insert herself and asked her about life in Mt. Komorebi, but Less wouldn’t let her in. At one point, she got really annoyed and yelled at her.

“Can’t you see I’m talking to my brother??”

I was used to her attitudes, but it took a lot not to lash out at her. I wouldn’t tolerate anyone treating Sophia like trash. She missed me and wanted to catch up; I got that. And she had always been weird about girls around me, but the way she behaved really surprised me. But this was new for her, too. She never had to share me with anyone before, so I remained calm.

“Less… She just wants to get to know you. Don’t you want to know her?”

She contemplated my suggestion, as though it was new information. Throughout our childhood, she always followed me. Whatever I did, she did. As long as I remained in the room, she would never give Sophia a chance, so I left them and looked for Dad. I found him in Mama’s office decorating the tree…with Dwayne. Well, they weren’t exactly working together. Dad hung the ornaments, and Dwayne was more like the hype man, approving of his placement and doing the whole a little more to the right thing. They worked on the tree with such precision, as if they painted a masterpiece or something.

I had to mess with them. They were so serious about the tree, but I didn’t think it took all of that. I guess that’s why I wasn’t on tree duty.

“I think we need something blue right here. Like, bright, shocking blue right there.

They both glared at me with that “boy, get out” face, tee hee. Mission accomplished!

I sat and watched them finish hanging ornaments. When they completed that task, Dad asked if there were garland or other decorations. If it took them that long just to place ornaments, Father Winter would be there before the tree was ready. Luckily, Dwayne said it looked good. He probably felt how I felt. Mama came and said the food was ready, so Dad turned the tree on, and we placed our presents under it.