Mama came out of the party room, smiling warmly at us. She had probably been running around the restaurant all evening, being extra and making sure everything was in order for us. As always, she was dressed to the nines and looking amazing.
“You’re not supposed to arrive early at your own celebration,” she said.

“And let you take care of all of this by yourself? Nonsense,” Sophia said.
I nodded in agreement.
“What she said.”

Mama shook her head lovingly at us.
“You two are too cute. Your guests should start arriving soon. Get a drink. Enjoy yourselves. Don’t do anything else!”
She scurried off to make sure the fountains had drink and all the heat lamps were working. I wasn’t sure why I didn’t consider it might snow when I suggested a patio party in the dead of winter. Guess I’ve officially lived in Oasis Springs too long.
I drew my attention back to my gorgeous fiancée, who was beaming at me. I got to spend the rest of my life with her. How did I get so lucky?
“Let’s dance,” she said.
I knew there was music playing somewhere, but I could barely hear it.
“Here? Right now?”
“Yeah! Why not?”
I shrugged and cradled the small of her back. If my lady wanted to dance, we dance. We swayed back and forth, and she grinned at me the entire time. I knew she was eager to get married, but I think that was the first time I could clearly see her brimming with excitement. The curtain of snow behind us was the perfect backdrop for the short-lived romantic moment.

“You guys started without us,” Dub said.
We broke away from each other, semi-embarrassed.
“I was just about to do my special move,” I said.
Sophia’s head jerked back in disbelief.
“You have special moves now? This I have to see! Can you guys come back later?”
We all shared a laugh.

“So you’re Sophia,” Dub said. “It’s great to meet the woman this guy won’t shut up about.”
“Oh, you mean like you can’t shut up about Maia?”
“Yeah…you’re right.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Luca,” Maia said. “He talks about you a lot too.”

Maia was absolutely stunning. Her eyes… They drew you in, and it was clear why Dub was so twisted up when we met. But it wasn’t just her beauty. She was poised and had a comforting vibe. I could tell she was a quiet force to reckon with, and I was so glad they were finally together. Maybe one day soon Sophia and I would be dancing at their wedding.
“The pleasure is all mine,” I said.

My friend Justin slipped into the middle of the group. I hadn’t seen him since we ran into each at the romance festival, but we communicated a few times a week on Social Bunny. We didn’t connect on a deep level, but I enjoyed chatting with him and didn’t hesitate to extend an invitation.
“Excuse me,” he said. “Sorry to interrupt. I probably can’t stay the whole time, so I just wanted to come congratulate you before it gets too crazy.”
“Thanks, Justin. I appreciate that. And thanks for coming!”
“No doubt. No doubt. I’ll get out your way and let you finish.”

He could have stayed and got to know Dub, Maia, and Sophia, but he left just as quickly as he arrived. I guess it would have been a bit weird to stick around, especially when he interrupted us. Sophia seized the opportunity to chat with Maia.
“I love your dress,” she said.
“Oh, thank you. I love yours too.”
Dub and I watched as our ladies felt each other out. I didn’t doubt he was as happy as I was that they seemed to like each other.
“You wanna grab a drink with me?” Sophia asked. “We can leave our boys to bask in their bromance, or whatever.”
Maia laughed.
“Sure, let’s go.”

But before they could leave, Chi Chi sashayed her way into the conversation, looking as fine as ever. Why was literally EVERY woman in my life insanely attractive?? All of them! Was it normal to have so many good-looking friends?
“You must be Sophia,” she said. “Wowee! I see why this guy dropped everything and ran to Oasis Springs. You are breathtaking!”
Sophia’s cheeks reddened, and she flashed a nervous smile.

“I’m Chi Chi, by the way. I’m very happy to finally meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too,” Sophia said.
When Chi Chi finally took her eyes off Sophia and noticed Dub and Maia, her entire demeanor changed.
“And who is this?” she asked, looking at Maia. “Are you two together? Because if you’re not, I think I just might try girls next!”

Dub’s eyebrow went up, but Maia maintained her smile, though it seemed forced. Luckily, Maira hopped in and saved us from the awkwardness.
“Congratulations, my friiiiieeeeennnnnd!”

“Thanks, Maira. Come join us. Let’s all sit over there.”
I brought the party over to the sofas so we could chill and chat more comfortably.