Maia and I were trying to convince Dub that yoga was the perfect total body workout when Maira and Sophia had finished talking and joined us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dad had arrived. He stood quietly near us, probably wanting my attention but not wanting to interrupt. I was glad to see him because I had something important to ask. In the middle of me explaining I had never lifted weights in my life, a tiny hand tapped me on the shoulder from behind. A cute little girl in a blue sunflower dress was waving at me.
“Hi, Mr. Luca!”

I had no idea who she was, but given she was the only child around, I had a strong idea.
“My mom says I’m supposed to say con-grad-yoo-lay-shuns. Mom?” she yelled to a woman sitting across from us. “Did I say it right?”
I was so intent on proving Dub wrong and hadn’t noticed her yet. Just like every other woman I’d met, she, too, was very pretty.
“Yes, darling,” she said. “Good job! I’m Rashidah, by the way.”

“Oh! Maira’s sister. Of course! So nice to meet you.”
“Likewise. Isn’t it so weird that we know about each from two different sims and are just now meeting?”
“Sure is.”
“Shirley,” Sophia called to the little girl. “I have something important to ask you.”
“What is it?”
“Will you be our ring bearer?”

“What’sa ring bear?”
“It’s one of the most important jobs in the whole wedding!”
“Oooooh! What do I have to do?”
“You get to carry rings around and keep them safe. Then you have to bring them down the aisle and give them to us at the arch. Can you do it?”