Generation 3 · March 3, 2024 0

3.94 All the things

“Hi,” she said when she reached me, finally.

“Hello, beautiful.”

Dad cleared his throat.

“You guys ready to get started?”

She smiled at me.

“I’m so ready!”

“Alright then. Welcome, everyone. And thank you for attending this joyous occasion: two young hearts joining together as one. When my son asked me to do this, I was beyond honored. The only thing that could make me happier is walking my daughter down the aisle.”

“Oh my WATCHER,” Alessia shouted.

Everyone laughed.

“I’m partially kidding. Weddings focus on the bride and groom, but as the parent I…” He began to cry. “I knew I wasn’t gonna make it through this, ha ha.”

“Awww! Take your time, Ali,” Sophia said sweetly.

“Luca, why don’t you go ahead with your vows.”

“Okay. You mean the world to me. I promise to always love and cherish you, be there when you’re down, provide for our family, respect you, and take care of you until my dying day.”

“Your turn, Sophia,” Dad said.

I promise to always support you and your endeavors, to build you up and not make you feel small, to be the best version of myself so our family can thrive…”

“I promise to be your number two fan because your mother pretty much has the number one spot on lock!”

We all laughed.

“You got that right,” Mama yelled from the audience.

“Most importantly, I also promise to love, honor, respect, and all those things because I love you like I’ve never loved anyone before.”

“I love you too, Sophia. So much.”

I leaned in and tried to kiss her, but Dad put his hand on my shoulder.

“Not yet, son. The rings?”

“Oh! Right.”

Now I pronounce you man and wife. You can kiss her now.”