
August 18, 2021


I did little for the rest of the day. Mostly cried in bed, thinking over my life and choices. Admittedly, having the time and space to do that without interruption...

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August 17, 2021


I was in full on pity party mode when I heard my bedroom door fling open and Diamond’s loud, dramatic shouts of condolences. She scared me so bad I jumped...

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August 16, 2021


I put on the bravest face and tucked my children into their beds for the last time for a while. Alessia was none the wiser, but my little buddy was...

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August 12, 2021


Ali broke the news to Luca at dinner. As one could imagine, he didn’t react well to learning this was his last night in the only home he’d ever known....

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August 11, 2021


When Luca came home, I wanted to celebrate this new chapter of his life, especially since I failed to do so this morning. My parents always made sure I did...

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August 11, 2021


Because Ali is so determined to get my children away from me, today is the first and last girls’ day Alessia and I will have. Luca went to school for...

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August 10, 2021


My face and eyes were so red and puffy when I woke up, one may think I’d gotten into a fight. I certainly felt like I’d been fighting. But Ali...

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August 5, 2021


We had a fairly nice, drama-free dinner. Well…mostly. Toddler drama doesn’t count. I don’t know if it’s because Alessia has a strong-willed personality or what, but it’s been harder to...

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August 4, 2021


Billie hung out with me for the rest of the afternoon, which was nice. I enjoyed having adult, non-judgmental company. Too bad I couldn’t escape the judgment going on inside...

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August 3, 2021


Luca was sad for a while, but I guess I did a decent job explaining it to him, since he recovered in a few hours. I took him around the...

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