Life After the BC
Kenya is so suspicious of this impromptu fancy date and hammered him with questions, but Bryce keeps smiling and ignores her LOL.
Ha! He is not taking no for an answer. Put on your good dress, girl! And make it snappy. Oh, and? Just so you’re not surprised in the next one…...
How did he know what Bryce needed to hear? It’s not magic, my dear. Your girl told him everything you did LOL. He left J’s house feeling relieved and confident....
“Lemme help you out, Bryce. I got hitched a lil while ago. It’s a scary thing diggin’ way down ‘n tellin’ your woman how you feel. We men folk ain’t...
Since Kenya wouldn’t introduce them yet, Bryce had to find other means to meet J.
Bryce spent the last few days thinking about Kameron’s advice, but he was still conflicted. His words were solid, but he still found them hard to accept. Bryce is a...
After the reception 2/2 Oops. Guess she didn’t forget about his little cough attack at the ceremony. Sucks to be you, Brycee Poo! 😂