Life After the BC

February 25, 2020

😂😍 I can’t wait to see what these boys look like. So far, they look like twins!

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February 25, 2020

Bryce and Kenya refreshed the nursery for their princesses, and Bryce painted a new mural!

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February 25, 2020

If you didn’t catch onto Kam and Nadia’s conversation in the Bailey Kay episode, Bryce and Kenya were pregnant with twin girls! Welcome to the world, little ladies! We have...

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January 28, 2020

😂 Well, ok then! I guess the Pierson factory is closed, folks…unless risky woohoo decides otherwise lol.

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January 7, 2020

All my pets are elders! 😭 Pardon me while I experiment with the text for a little while. Those colors were stressing me out lol. And, I think the font...

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