New · December 2, 2017 0


Tony: We are living in a story world. I move across many such worlds. You must have suspected we would meet again. I haven’t forgotten how you let me die on that filthy restaurant floor in your story. But let’s put that past us. For now. It is not why I have come here tonight. Put on something nice, signorita. I’m taking you for a ride.

Jess: Not interested. I’m not leaving this lot! See the pitchfork here on the wall? I’m not afraid to use it!

Tony: The pitchfork over there? I’m pretty sure it’s made of plastic. Just a decoration to make this place look lived in. I wouldn’t use it, you might get hurt if it breaks. Now go dress up. Please. My boss wants us to have fun tonight.

Soooo…he screws my precious Jonathan out of his inheritance, but he’s mad I let him die? HA! 😀 I think he has other more important things to worry about, but sure…we’ll have fun tonight!