Life After the BC · October 20, 2019 0

(ahem) SO … Let me explain this name as it was explained to me LOL. Crazy celebrity parents! The boy’s first name is Prince Cyan. They always called him their prince and see him as the heir of their little make believe kingdom, so why not name him Prince? But, Bryce didn’t like completely like it as a first name. And, they both had ideas for names. Kenya wanted to mash up their names some kind of way, and Bryce wanted to put his passion for painting and color in the name. Lucky for them, Cyan is both. At least Cyan has letters from both their names lol. Bryce also wanted a good, strong, traditional name he could go by in his professional life. William was his grandfather’s name on his mother’s side. He loved and respected him, but he died when Bryce was very young.

So, there you have it folks! The baby is here!!!