Life After the BC · October 1, 2019 0

Bryce spent the last few days thinking about Kameron’s advice, but he was still conflicted. His words were solid, but he still found them hard to accept. Bryce is a flashy guy. He lives in a mansion on a hill with the biggest celebrities in the industry. He has no qualms about “doing it big.” He loves spoiling Kenya and giving her the world. But, the problem was she didn’t seem to appreciate his large gestures. At least not like other women he dated. His money and status didn’t impress her. He wanted to do something big like spend a week in a fabulous beach house in Sulani on a private island with a chef, masseuse, and every service imaginable. She would enjoy it, no doubt, but would it mean anything? Kameron said to give her more consideration, but that’s why he’s been conflicted. Doing it big would be enjoyable for him and stroke his ego, but what about her? He needed to talk to someone who could confirm or deny his feelings.