Life After the BC · October 4, 2019 0

“Bryce … You are one hard-headed peacock. But, underneath those loud, expensive clothes, crazy dance moves, and big talk, there is a gentleman who is serious about his future, kind, sensitive, driven, and so much more. I saw all of that on day one, and I thought now there’s a man I can follow. I love you, Bryce. I’m glad you chose me…even though I didn’t really let you have a choice.”

“You got a real smart mouth. Truth be told…I like a spicy woman.”

“There’s children in the audience,” Kameron yelled.

“Don’t be interrupting my vows, man! Kenya … I said everything when I proposed. All there is left to say is I promise to love, cherish, honor and protect you for the rest of our lives.”

LOL J!!!! I know that’s your sister and all, but come on man! 🤣