Life After the BC · September 3, 2019 0

“You grew up in foster care?” 

“I never knew my father, and my mama gave me up when I was a little girl. I wasn’t lucky enough to be placed in one house with a nice family. I was bounced around the entire time. I met J, my brother, a little bit after my teen birthday. We ended up in a few homes together. He protected me when they tried to… Anyway, the point is I didn’t grow up feeling loved and wanted. What you said to me … The way you said it … I guess it just reminded me of things I like to forget.”

“W-why didn’t you tell me?”

[she shrugs]

“It’s not really something I like talking about. And… Ok, this is gonna sound bad, but I don’t mean it how it’s gonna sound. I never expected to be with someone like you. I guess I’m just ashamed of it.”


“Someone like me? What’s that supposed to mean? You know where I’m from. You’re not the only one with a past, Kenya.”

“You know that’s not what I mean! Bryce, you live in a freakin MANSION! On a hill! With a butler! And, you’re famous. You’ve been on TV, and you’re always in some magazine about something. Sometimes I imagine reading an article about you after our wedding. They’ll go on and on about your accomplishments and all the famous people you know. What will they say about me? She’s just some rando woman with no family who works in a clothing store?”


“Kenya…how can you think I feel that way about you?”

“I don’t! I feel that way about me! I just don’t want to bring you down.”

“Bae … Don’t you know what you’ve done for me? My life has changed for the better since knowing you. There’s no way you could bring me down! I don’t want you feeling like this. What can I do?”

“For starters, don’t make me feel cheap ever again.”

“That’s a promise I can keep.”

“Thank you for not freaking out.”

“Things often appear much larger and scarier when we keep them to ourselves. But, when they come out, we’ll see they aren’t that big and scary at all.”


“So…when can I meet this Brother J?”

“When I get that ring.”

