Misadventures of Rodney Eason · April 12, 2022 0

Best Friend

Rodney gave Noah and Loren a few months to enjoy married life before demanding their presence for dinner at his home. He, Noah, and Alondra are from Del Sol Valley, but Noah never left, so Rodney is very excited about having his boy on the same coast. They live in Brindleton Bay now. I haven’t decided how far away that is since no one has ever lived in that world before, but I imagine it’s not close but not far enough for a plane. It’s probably just a long drive and they’re staying in a hotel.

Also, I know Oasis Springs should probably be near DSV, but I’m having trouble distancing it since it’s a frequent destination these folks end up, especially with Rodney’s restaurant. It just might have to remain an outlier.