Misadventures of Rodney Eason · October 9, 2020 0

Francine and her stories! 😂

Welp! This is it for Rodney’s rotation. I don’t know about you but even with having a few days without posts, I feel like we got through that week really fast!. I’m gonna miss this knucklehead lol.

I don’t think I need to mention this, but I’ll say it anyway since we have a lot of new followers just now joining us. (Thank you, and welcome!!) This story operates on Sim time, and I play on long life with a customized age range with aging mostly on. The Piersons, Franklins, and Rodney & Friends live in the same world, and life progresses while we’re at other houses. So, when we get back to Rodney—in 3 sim weeks—his relationship with Alondra will have progressed a little. 

The next rotation will be the Franklins! 

Oh, just so you’re aware, I’m going to be busier than usual over the next 6-8 weeks. Whenever I do have content to share, I’m gonna stick with one a day to stretch what little I have unless it’s a scene that has to be split up. I won’t make you wait days to finish it…although I should LOL. 😛