Misadventures of Rodney Eason · October 21, 2019 0

Let’s take a few posts to meet Rodney’s friends, shall we?

Alvin Crouch

“The Voice of Reason”

Al is that one quiet friend who doesn’t say much, but when he does, you should probably listen. He was born and raised in Newcrest and still resides there with his girlfriend, Irene, who the boys describe as “scary.” Not much is known about his employment and only says he’s in “shipping and receiving.”

He and Rodney met through a mutual friend back in high school. He is a simple man with simple tastes. His go to drink is Juice on the Rocks, favorite food is grilled chicken, and he enjoys a quiet evening at home with Irene and a movie. Alvin is an only child and wants to have a big family one day, so most of the time he is focused on making money.