Misadventures of Rodney Eason · April 26, 2022 0

The Call Pt. 2

Awwww Rodney! Don’t be like that, bruh!

Sooooooo, what had happened was…

Remember that time I decided to change my life spans and made everyone’s life significantly longer and aged down all the elders back to adults? Well, Francine was in that group. She’s a little older than Kameron and Bryce who are close in age (she was a young mother). I figured since she had a lot of days left in her adult life, I may as well mark her as unplayed so MCCC could have its way with her lol. I didn’t want to hook her up myself because IF she were to get married, I wanted it to be quick and shocking for Rodney so we could have a scene just like this lol.