Misadventures of Rodney Eason · April 3, 2020 0

Yep! You read that right! Rodney is taking cues from his big cuzzo Bryce and is signing up for @everfallsims​‘ Double Shot at Love! Ohhhhhh boy…

Official entry under the cut!

Name: Rodney Eason

Age: 31

Traits: Goofball, glutton, perfectionist

Aspiration: Serial romantic

Location: Oasis Springs

Occupation: Restaunteur

Rodney is originally from Mirage Park in Del Sol Valley. He was raised in a tiny 2-bedroom house by his dear mother whom he loves despite not seeing her for a while. One could say this love is what drives him. She sacrificed a lot for him, and although he could never repay her, he can sure try. He got into the restaurant business because of his love for food and desire to make lots of money. His first goal is to get his mother of that neighborhood and buy her a real home. 

Rodney has always loved to eat but didn’t begin appreciating food until his teen years when his older cousin Bryce taught him to cook. Bryce was and still is a father figure, and he cared for Rodney while his mother worked. He’ll never forget the advice Bryce gave him one evening in the kitchen. “Learn to cook, do your laundry, and all that stuff. Don’t be a man who needs a woman. Let a woman be a pleasant addition to your life. That way when you get her, you can take care of each other.”

Rodney loves a good time and is always on the lookout for someone intriguing who takes his breath away. In the meantime, he’s got friends to hangout with. Initially, he’ll be drawn to Bambi because of her fun, flirty, spontaneous nature. But, he’ll find Evani mysterious and will appreciate how grounded and serious she is.