The Piersons · September 29, 2019 0

After a decent day out with the family, movie night, and getting Nate to bed, Kameron stretched out in his own bed relishing in the silence. If only life could always be so calm.

Nadia laid next to him with seriousness in her eyes. Throughout their relationship, he tried to name what color her eyes were and always fell short. Light brown and even hazel didn’t do them justice. Gold felt the most accurate but still not quite right. Whatever color they were, he loved it when they looked his way.

“So, when are you gonna let Mel off the hook?”

Kameron snorted. “Why would I do that?” He loved how she loved her, truly. Marrying Nadia gave him a wife, but Melany gained a mother figure, friend and ally. He couldn’t have asked for a better situation.

“Because she’s miserable! It’s been, like, two weeks and she hasn’t seen her friends.”

“That’s usually how punishment works, babe,” he said in a snarky tone.

That one eyebrow raised. Kameron was both nervous and aroused.

“Don’t sass me.”

He sighed in resignation; She wasn’t going to give up. Melany was a great kid. Maybe setting an open-ended punishment was too much. “You think she learned the lesson?”

“Seriously? She learned the lesson before you put her in prison!”

He snickered and stroked hair out of her face. “You’re real sexy when you exaggerate like that…”