The Piersons · July 17, 2020 0

Anissa wasn’t quite sure why she agreed to meet him. It’s not like she wanted to get back together. And, she received a million apologies from him, though she never accepted them because she felt as though he was only sorry for being caught. Maybe a small part of her wanted a sincere apology.


Whatever his plan was, she wanted no part of it. Still being attracted to him, going inside would surely set her up for a mistake.


(Anissa is gangsta, and I love her. 😂)

He stood there, waiting for her to give in, but she stood firm; he went inside to grab a coat lol.

When he returned, he started rambling about…honestly, she had no idea. Certainly nothing that interested her. For a split second she thought she heard him say something about a son. It was almost like a minor detail he let slip from his mouth like discarded food. Not that she cared, but she’d have to call up some college friends and get that tea.

But then he started bringing up the past. That’s when she realized wanting a real apology was a mistake. Talking about what happened threatened to undo the progress she made with forgiving Melany and moving on from the pain of betrayal. It was hard. Sometimes it still is.


But, Titus never seemed to learn any lessons and tried to remind her of what they had and told her all the things he missed about her (with special emphasis on those thighs).


I cannot repeat what she said to him, but I can assure you it ended with a thunderous BOY BYE!!!


It felt really good. Most of all, she was proud of not falling for his schemes. Who’s next?
