The Piersons · October 6, 2021 0


Hello, everyone!

I hope you’re all well. I just want to notify you of something before I start posting again. Like many of you, I’ve been struggling with aging in this game. The Piersons & Friends moves at a pace that exists in my head which of course is much slower than game time even on long life. For the past year, until maybe August, I’ve had aging off, which honestly was fine except for one thing. Noemi would never grow up and go to university! I considered aging her manually, but at the time she was SUPER early in her teen days. That would make her and Nate too close in age. The most disturbing part was Melany, Nick, and Anissa were WAY too close to adulthood to play with aging on, and I couldn’t wrap my head around them being so old. That’s when my wisest friend gave me sage advice lol. “Adjust your lifespans,” she said. GENIUS!

I doubled YA and adult life and added a good amount of days to elder too. Thankfully that put Melany, Nick, and Anissa at an acceptable age, and aging has resumed. All is right with the world, yeah? NO! There were a handful of sims who aged up a while ago that are now way too old. Take Kameron, for example. He was always a lot older than Nadia, but now he’s a cradle robber. He should also not be in the same age group as Mr. Churchill and Nick’s parents. Plus, in my head, Melany, Nick, and Anissa mid 20s now which means Kam should be early 50s at the oldest. Same for Bryce, Alice and Jorden’s older sister, though they are slightly younger. Rodney, Alondra, and Noah should be around Jorden’s age (mid 30s) and not adults. 

I thought you should know I have aged down all these fine sims to their appropriate ages because I don’t want anyone to be confused, especially since we already celebrated Kam’s birthday and retirement. For story purposes, here’s the new deal. Let’s say Kam retired early. You can do that in the military after 20 years of service in the US. Also, let’s say the birthday was the big 5-0. I won’t change his look, so he’ll keep his gray temples. I also won’t celebrate his new elder birthday to prevent further confusion. He’ll just gradually get older and older. Nadia will still heckle him about being old though lol. I have to give her something, right?

I hope you’re ok with this. It’s already made my life 68% better! If you have any questions or concerns, hit me up. Take care!