The Piersons · January 6, 2021 0

B: “GIRL! I am so mad at you!”


M: “I’m sorry I missed your call! I was…in the bathroom.”

B: “Ok I was mad about that but I’m really mad that you never told me you could sing! What other secrets do you have?”


B: “Did you just shush me?”

M: “NO!!! Never! It’s my roommate. She’s being annoying.”


B: “Oh, is this the same friend from the Gnomier commercial? Tell her she’s cute, but I can only accept annoying if she can also sing and you two can be a group.”

M: “Ha ha! Yep, that’s her, but singing is definitely not her hidden talent.”


B: “Rap?! I love her. So you have your own studio? Sounds like you’re taking music seriously.”

M: “I’ve known her a while now and have yet to hear her rap. But anyway, yeah, I’m definitely thinking about it more seriously. The more I write, the more I want to share it.”


B: “Well, you are incredible, Mel. You have a beautiful voice on top of playing the violin. That’s so dope. So multi-talented!”

M: “Oh wow. Thank you! I appreciate you saying that.”


B: “I have to thank you. Every time we chat, I get a little more inspired. You remind me of myself when I first started out. Singing and playing on Simstagram just because I loved it. (sigh) Anywho, how’s the writing going?”

M: “It’s going well, actually. Slow and go, but getting better. I try to write every day, but I’m taking your advice. I’m not forcing it.”


B: “That’s perfect. I’m really glad you haven’t stopped writing and that you’re putting your talents out there. What do you think about us working on a project together?”

M: “Are you serious?! I…well, honestly, it sounds like a dream!”

B: “I haven’t worked out the details, but I would love to meet you in person and just vibe- play music, sing, write. Maybe something for my next album- or yours!”

M: “OH MY WATCHER THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!! How could I say no to that?!”


B: “I don’t want to put too much pressure on you if you’re not ready, so you should think about it before saying yes for real. Talk to your family, your cute annoying roommate. Ask me all the questions. I just think you have something special, and I would like to see where you can go.”

M: “Now that you say that, I don’t think I really considered how far this could go, you know? Like, I decided I want to sing, but that was it. This could change things. I definitely need to discuss it with my fiancé.”


B: “FIANCE?! Please tell me more! I love love.”


Melany is just having the BEST week!! Collab with THE QUEEN?! What is life?? 🤯😭😁😁😁😍😱

previous – The Voicemail by @ladybugsimblr