The Piersons · July 20, 2020 0

Churchill Fam Facts

I was thinking about the Churchill family today and thought I’d do a recap of the family relations since I kinda just threw them all at you in the Winterfest post lol. The Churchill children are (in order) Hayden, Jorden, Aiden, and Loren. Hayden is much older than Jorden and was born at the very beginning of Myron and Cynthia’s marriage. At the time, the nosy ninnies speculated on whether or not she was conceived before or after the marriage lol.

As I mentioned before, this family comes from a previous story idea. I had to remember this because I couldn’t figure out why her and the kids’ names were all Churchill and her husband was Holmes. In the other story, the Churchill family was well known and powerful, and Hayden wanted to keep her association with the name. At first she wanted Robert (her husband) to change his name to Churchill but that was out of the question. She kept her name and told him the children would also be Churchill. She tells him a great many things lol.

Their children are Angela and Richard. I honestly don’t remember which one I intended to be older, but in The Piersons Angela is. They are a little bit younger than Melany, so let’s just pretend that they are in school. Here’s an old picture of the Churchill-Holmes fam. The kids are still teenagers.

I’m terrible at giving my sims ages because it never ends up adding up right with the way I see them in my head. Hayden and Robert are actually elders (young elders), but in my mind they are only in their 50s lol.

Jorden is second born long after Hayden—probably like 10 years—but in my mind he’d be like mid-30s. See? Never adds up. He’s about 12 days older than Melany and Anissa.

There’s a little gap between Jorden and Aiden—like 4 or 5 years. I imagine Aiden isn’t 30 yet but is almost there. He’s married to Krysta, and they have a son whose name I forget. She’s another wife who wears the pants.

Loren is the oopsie baby. Well, I suppose Aiden could have been an oops too lol. She should be about 4-5 years younger than Aiden.

So, just to recap the characters you’ll be seeing more of, Loren and Jorden are siblings, and Angela and Richard are their niece and nephew.

Hope this helps!