The Piersons · September 29, 2019 0

“Do you ever think about…having another kid?” Kameron asked.


“Do you?”

Nadia sighed. “Yeah…sometimes.”

Kameron smiled. “I can see you with a daughter. You and Melany don’t look alike, but when I see her, I see you. The influence you have on her. It’s good.”

Nadia grinned. “I missed Mel’s early days. Raising a daughter from birth might be nice.”

think it might be nice to plan to get pregnant this time.”

She chuckled. “What’s the matter, Mr. Pierson? We thought you liked the oopsie babies.”


He shook his head. “You’re a mess.”

“No, Kameron, you’re the messy one here,” she said coyly.

“Says the woman who slept with someone’s husband.”

She gasped. “Are you never going to let that go? I thought you said you’d leave it in the past!”

“Sorry. I just have trouble believing it sometimes.”

“Is this gonna be a thing you throw in my face every chance you get?”

“No. I’m sorry. I mean it.”