The Piersons · November 17, 2019 0

Getting the children to bed took more effort than usual. Nathaniel was too amped about being out of school for a while, and Noemi didn’t cope well sleeping in a foreign room for the first time. But, after the tears and a few rounds of “I’m not tired” and “can I get some water,” the junior Piersons were down for the count.

Kameron gathered Nadia in his arms hoping she’d be keen on his agenda for the night. “So…do you like it here?”

The air from her long sigh tickled his arm. Maybe he should have waited until after their play time.

“You said you wouldn’t pressure me for an answer,” she said.

“I’m not. It’s a general question.”

“We’ve been to Sulani before, Kameron. Of course I like it here.”

The annoyance in her voice put his plans in doubt, so he squeezed tighter and planted soft kisses on her cheek.

“I have to admit it is nice not to be surrounded by cameras out here,” she added. “The kids love the beach.”

Her positive remarks gave him hope for staying in Sulani and an adventure under the sheets.

“I’m worried about you, though.”

Like stopping the music before the beat dropped, he groaned over his failed plans and wished he would have kept his mouth closed. “Me? What about me?”

“You’ve been moody ever since Brytani’s show. Obviously something is bothering you. I know you won’t talk to her, and you won’t tell me. But, you need to talk to someone, Kam. It’s gone past ridiculous.”

Her words betrayed him. She was supposed to be on his side! “Are you serious right now?”

“Just, listen! Whatever it is, it’s eating you up inside! You’re always scowling, and you act really weird around Mel like she’s a piece of China or something. If you don’t want to see a professional, talk to Bryce, Emilio…anybody!”

“Goodnight, Nadia.”