The Piersons · November 23, 2019 0

“Good morning,” Nadia said nervously. 

She didn’t sleep much; neither of them did. Their fight weighed on her mind. This morning, as she tended to their crying child, a plan formulated. Hopefully, he’d be receptive.


Nadia knew exactly how to handle her man. As long as he felt she was contrite, it didn’t matter if it were true or not. Once Noemi was safely in the highchair, she turned on the magic.

“I’m gonna hit the shower,” Kameron said.

“Wait. I came on kinda strong last night. You probably felt ambushed, and I can’t blame you for reacting how you did.”

She continued. “I meant what I said, but I could have handled it differently. I’m sorry.”


“This house is important to you, and I really don’t know why, but I want you to be happy. I’ll be happy wherever you are. So, if you want to stay here, fine. But, I want you to promise me you’ll talk to someone.”

Kameron snorted, glaring at her for what felt like an eternity. “First, you want me to see a shrink. Now you’re blackmailing me?”

“Is it working?”