The Piersons · September 1, 2019 0

HA! Yes, Mel, you and your little girlfriends are quite cute. Lets review who we have, shall we?


Rhiannon Bheeda


Lily Pancakes


Gabby Flex


Harper Ojo

She was blonde before, but I changed it to black because Miko’s real hair color is black. Also, if you can’t tell, J Huntington III is her father lol.


Evie Delgato

I had to break my rule and cut that nose down a bit. Why did EA do her like that?? 

Also, I think it’s time I retire the Kameron & Melany tag, and I am a little bit broken up about it! For so long, there was only Kameron & Melany. Even in scenes when it was just Kameron, Melany was always there because everything he did was for her. Even while he was dating she consumed his thoughts. But, the little lady is growing up and coming into her own! Slowly (very slowly) but surely, she is pulling away from his protective mold. “Kameron & Melany” will always exist, but the girl wants to be her own person now. 

I need a moment of silence!