The Piersons · September 21, 2019 0

“He didn’t tell you that? Hmph.”

Kameron tried really hard not to let his mind wander, thinking about what may have happened while he’s away. He knew Nadia. She was crazy about him and wouldn’t let anything happen. Still, something didn’t add up.

“How do you know this?” she asked. “You don’t even talk to him anymore.”

He looked askance. “Baby, I’m a Sim-in-Black. I can get information about anyone and anything. So, what’s the deal?”

“There IS no deal! We used to mess around back in the day, but that’s been long over.”

Kameron’s eyes went wide and mouth flew open. “You and Vick? While he was married?”


Nadia shrugged. “So? He liked me, and I wanted to get ahead in my career. It was an arrangement that worked.”

Kameron snorted. “An arrangement?”

“Don’t do that. You don’t get to judge me when you got with Brytani because you wanted to be famous. It’s the same thing.”

“Brytani wasn’t married!”

“It’s the same thing! Besides, everyone knows the Feng’s marriage is a sham.”

How could she be so casual about this? Were their past relationships really the same? How could she sleep with someone else’s husband no matter what the facts were? Would she do that to him?

“What’s wrong, Kameron? You want me to say I’m sorry? I’m not!”

“You know what … It’s not important. Let’s leave it in the past. You say it’s been long over, but Victor doesn’t seem to want to acknowledge that.”

“I don’t know what else you want me to do, Kam. I’ve told him several times I don’t want him visiting when you’re not here. What else can I do?”

“He clearly thinks you’re not serious. Go San My on him.”

“HA! Just go for the jugular, huh?”

“Nah, that would be a warning. I’m a Sim-in-Black, remember? I can get him so far away from us, it’ll take the rest of his life to get home.”