The Piersons · May 6, 2020 0

Here is BK’s entire message:

Hi Melany! Violin girl! Lol I think we need to figure out a different nickname. 😂 🤔 I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to respond to your messages. I hope you didn’t think I was ignoring you. Still trying to get used to my new normal. Anyway I’m really glad you reached out to me and trusted with me with your thoughts. Hearing your story reminded me of everything I was thinking and feeling when I first started this wild journey. I didn’t really know what I was doing at first. I just knew that like you I loved making music and loved to sing and perform for whoever would listen. The writing part came from journaling away ALL and I mean all of the emotions lol that I had as a kid. Basically music, singing, writing, dancing, performing all mixed together became my one big happy place and escape. I wanted to do all of the above everyday. I needed to! Watching and listening to the greats before me do the same things helped me to see I could do this for real for real and make it my career.

Keep writing and making music even if you think it doesn’t make sense or fit together as one real song. For me it sometimes takes days or weeks for it to click and fall in place as something more than just random words. Don’t put any pressure on yourself to figure it all out now but do stick with it. I watched the clips you posted of your performance and you are truly talented!!! I might need you to teach me some of your violin magic. I’m really excited about your musical journey and am inspired to finish some projects of my own! I would love to keep talking to you and hearing what you come up with. Here’s my number so things don’t get lost in dm’s. 555-555-5555 I see you got that special sparkle already so I’ll say continue to B-Fly and Slay! Good luck Mel 🦋