The Piersons · August 11, 2020 0

I’m having a problem in my game (nothing game breaking but annoying enough to report), so I made a vanilla copy of the Piersons to play in and test. Since I’ll be in here for a while, I thought I’d show you their vanilla selves! Apart from Kameron, I’ve never seen them completely vanilla before.Nadia, Nate, and Noemi all have custom skin tones, so I had to pick Maxis ones that made sense. And, of course, I had to pick an eye color that made sense for Nate and Nadia. 

As you can see, I like skin details and overlays that enhance their natural beauty, not change them. I create most my sims to be good looking without the details, so I could really just play with them like this but….nah lol.