The Piersons · September 17, 2020 0


It’s that time! Time for what? Kameron’s retirement party! Yeah…that happened really fast lol. I had grander plans for this shindig, but the mod I was using to throw just a party would only let me invite 12 sims despite having another mod that allows up to 200. Who do they think we are?? Anyway, a black and white party had the least requirements, so I went with that. Kameron and Nadia hosted it at his favorite party venue: the one where they met. (Yeah…I don’t remember the name lol) The usual family and friends came but also some blasts from the past!

Mel arrived in a mood Nadia did not appreciate.


Bryce did too, but I think he most upset because because the outfit took away his luscious eye lashes. Maybe Mel was upset about that too lol.


Speaking of Mel, she ran into Eliza Pancakes who she hadn’t seen in a VERY long time.


Kameron was very pleased to see some of his old Strangerville crew again.


Cecilia Krueger (above) is the last of Kam’s team who helped fight Mother!

Lots more pics and stories under the cut!

This is Malcolm Upton. He’s in the military and looks up to Kameron so he kinda took him under his wing.


Nate got up to tell jokes, but let’s pretend that he made a speech about how awesome his dad is lol.


This little dude also had his birthday! He and Noemi are very close in age and glad to be close again.


I remembered to use the teen body on him, so I had to put in on her too. I feel better now lol. She shouldn’t be the same height as her much older brother!

Rodney catered this event, and even though he and Kameron aren’t close, he thought it was a cool thing to celebrate as he considered what the rest of his life would look like.


Bryce saw the youngins off by themselves and made sure things stayed on the up and up lol.


He’s also still mad about his lashes. 😂

Cy went to dance and this kid took his place. He’s Emilio’s son, one of Kam’s friends.


Nate clocked in for big bro duty.


The Little Miss is always on the job lol.

At the end of the night, Kameron was full of joy and ready to begin retired life. Well done, Kameron! You deserve to rest, my friend!
