The Piersons · July 11, 2021 0

It’s time for the Churchill family BBQ! They usually have this about a quarter of the way through fall on the last few warm days to say goodbye to summer. Hayden, Jorden’s older sister, hosts it, and she has been up all morning getting things just so. Needless, she is the one Anissa is more nervous about seeing again.

Let’s do a quick reintroduction of her children and introduce their spouses since they’ve both gotten married courtesy of MCCC. Angela, Anissa’s natural hair buddy, just got married to a sim named Parker Andrews.


This is Julia Bailey-Moon. 


She got married to Richard a while ago (like RIGHT after he aged up lol), and they have a son who sitting behind him. No clue what his name is. 😅


Angela and Richard are Jorden’s oldest niece and nephew. We’ll meet/re-meet the rest of the family throughout the posts. Enjoy!