The Piersons · April 12, 2020 0

Later that night, Melany lay in bed reading her message to Bailey Kay over and over, feeling a serious case of anxiety and regret. Who did she think she was to reach out to the one and only Queen B?? Just because she followed her didn’t mean they were friends. Despite what Anissa said, Melany really was nobody to Bailey Kay. But, the message was out there waiting like a puppy up for adoption. It felt demanding and was low-key cryptic. The least she could do was explain herself. She sent the following message to clear up the first.

Hi again. I’m very sorry to disturb you like this. I know you have 58 other things tugging at you right now. Forgive me if my first message caught you off guard. I think it may have come across…I don’t know. Entitled? I swear I don’t think I deserve your time, and I’m nervous as hell writing this! We have some things in common. Like you, I’ve been playing since I was a kid. I’ve performed here and there at charity events and such, but a few weeks ago I did my first concert. I was part of the summer concert series in Newcrest. I enjoy performing. It does something for me I can’t explain, but I know you understand what that is. I recently graduated from university, and I guess I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do with my life. I was just wondering how you decided to pull the trigger and take your music from just a serious hobby to a very lucrative profession? If I do decide to take my music to the world, there’s something else I’m concerned about. This is the first time I’m admitting this, but I think I’ve been writing songs. Well, pieces of songs rather. I’ve been hearing words in my head just like I hear melodies for my violin. I don’t know what to do with them so I write them down. Sometimes they come with melodies I can sing. Other times they’re more like short poems…I guess maybe choruses. I don’t know. I’ve never been a songwriter before, and singing is something I normally keep to myself. And, traditionally I’ve been a classical violinist. I feel like everything is shifting and it’s scary! I’m sorry for this super long message. Even if you don’t read it it’s helped me to get some of this anxiety out. So…thanks for that. Lyric and Legend are totes adorbs and they brighten my day every time I see them! Take care!