The Piersons · August 5, 2020 0

lol this kid. Anything involving more time with Melany gets her vote.

I was thinking about Noemi and Melany’s relationship, and I’ve come to the conclusion that Noemi probably adores the idea of Melany more than the actual person. Mel was way into her teens when she was born, and Noemi was still a toddler when Melany went to college. Mel was only a constant in her life for a short time as a young tyke, so she has pockets of memories with her sister and clearly clings to them. She definitely made a lasting impression on the girl. I’m kind of excited about Noemi’s birthday that is in about a ONE sim week!! And with the Pierson’s moving to the mainland, Noemi and Melany can get to know each other properly and I can’t wait to see what type of relationship they’ll have.